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Thread: Sweet Linda's

  1. #1

    Default Sweet Linda's

    Today we watched an episode of Discover Oklahoma that was first shown on 16 December. We liked the story about Sweet Linda's restaurant at 1000 NE 63rd and decided we need to try it. Looking for it online tonight, I find that it's closed. In some articles the address is on Brookline instead of 63rd. What's the truth about Sweet Linda's? Thanks.

  2. Default Re: Sweet Linda's

    It's in the old Sonic (For a short time El Tapatio) on the SE corner of 63rd and Kelley.

    As to if they are still open or not. I'm not certain. They don't have much of a social media presence but I did find one comment on FB from Nov. 17th.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sweet Linda's

    It used to be in the basement of 5100 N. Brookline but moved to the 63rd and Kelley location probably 8 months ago. Sad to hear that it closed. I work in that office building and thoroughly enjoyed the food. Homemade basic "staples" for breakfast and lunch plus a daily special that was almost always very good. They did a very brisk lunch business. Not to mention Sweet Linda is one of the nicest people there is and does a lot for the OKC community, especially as it relates to breast cancer awareness and fundraising.

    I was selfishly sad when the restaurant moved but also skeptical there would be enough business to support the 63rd and Kelley location - it sounds like these reservations may have been well founded - but I can understand wanting to expand from an office building location.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Sweet Linda's

    Quote Originally Posted by Timshel View Post
    It used to be in the basement of 5100 N. Brookline but moved to the 63rd and Kelley location probably 8 months ago. Sad to hear that it closed. I work in that office building and thoroughly enjoyed the food. Homemade basic "staples" for breakfast and lunch plus a daily special that was almost always very good. They did a very brisk lunch business. Not to mention Sweet Linda is one of the nicest people there is and does a lot for the OKC community, especially as it relates to breast cancer awareness and funraising.

    I was selfishly sad when the restaurant moved but also skeptical there would be enough business to support the 63rd and Kelley location - it sounds like these reservations may have been well founded - but I can understand wanting to expand from an office building location.
    I work in the Brookline office as well. Their food was great and an excellent value. I hope they are able to continue making great food in some other venue.

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