Robert Davis, left, talks to CNN today.
A retired school teacher who was videotaped being beaten by New Orleans police said today he holds "no animosity" against anyone. Robert Davis, 64, was left bloodied after he was repeatedly hit about the head during an arrest Saturday night in the French Quarter. His attorney said Davis does not believe that the incident was racially motivated.

You know, I don't agree with everyone suing one another just to make a quick buck, but after watching this elderly man get pummeled and punched in the head repeatedly, I hope he does sue and I hope the officers ( and I use that term loosely) go straight to prison and visit some of their 'old' friends there.....

I can't believe the only time they practiced brutality, it just happened to be caught on tape - it makes me think that this wasn't the first time and it wouldn't have been the last.

There may be more to the story and it will come out but from what the tape shows, it is disturbingly graphic and horrible.

The police chief (I believe it was him on CNN) was saying ' the officers are under so much stress - they lost everything ' which may be true but their actions are still completely inexcusable and not defendable.