A lot of wheels are starting to turn in Sapulpa these days. The town has been pretty sleepy for the past couple of decades but with the creeping southward growth of Tulsa and the slow influx of new people and voices in the town, big things are starting to happen.
Here's the most notable driver of change: SeneGence is relocating their corporate HQ to a giant 225 acre piece of land off of I44 in-between Kellyville and Sapulpa. They currently have a small office in Sapulpa and a temporary warehouse in Tulsa, and plan to build out the HQ campus over the next decade.
Additionally, there is suddenly an influx of new projects around town, including:
- A big new apartment block going in next to Walmart
- Refurbishment of 202. E. Hobson St. downtown next to Pat's Place into either new retail space or townhomes. (https://www.google.com/maps/@35.9997...7i13312!8i6656)
- Refurbishment of the old garage/gas station across the street from Pat's into what I assume will be retail.
- 212 S. Main: A couple of old homes have been demolished and the entire side of that block is being redeveloped. Rumor is that it will just be a strip mall, but at least that is new retail on a Main through-fare that is rapidly developing. (https://www.google.com/maps/@35.9958...7i13312!8i6656)
- 1234 9th St. : A bunch of old buildings were cleared off and a new QT is almost done. Huge improvement for Sapulpa's access point to I44 (https://www.google.com/maps/@36.0132...7i13312!8i6656)
- They just tore down the old Sapulpa Electric building to put in a downtown parking lot. Not usually a good thing, but if there were going to put parking anywhere, this was probably the best way to do it. (https://www.google.com/maps/@35.9997...7i13312!8i6656)
- Ground has been broken on the new animal shelter. I believe it is somewhere around 76th st.
In addition to those projects, there's a lot of infill house building, house flipping, new tenets in the industrial park, street rehabs in progress, and they are getting ready to redo several intersections along main street which will include pedestrian crossing improvements. I'm sure there's more that I can't remember off the top of my head right now as well.
It's hard to get a lot of info on some of these projects since developers around here hardly have to prepare renderings or anything, and there's not a lot of good news coverage of our local affairs. I'll try to get out and get some photos this weekend though.