You thought this was going to be a naughty post didn't you? Gotcha!
I found this little article on today and thought it was interesting.
Differences between sexes
Debbie Magids, a New York-based psychologist, says most people don't like to talk about their experience in the showers.
"Because the shower is a very private, very vulnerable place," Magids said. "And as a result, we just don't know much about its rituals, psychologically."
So, Magids and bathroom products company Olay oversaw a national telephone survey conducted July 29-31 by Roper Public Affairs & Media, in which 1,000 adults 18 and older were asked about their shower habits. The key finding? Men and women are very different in the shower.
Women take longer, for one thing. They often stay in for 10 minutes. Many women find this to be a nurturing place of escape. "Taking a shower is a legitimate excuse for women to be alone, to check out and not be held accountable," Magids said.
Men are more businesslike. They get wet, get clean, get out, get dry and get dressed. What do men think about in the shower? "Sex and work," Magids said.
One last gender difference in the shower: Magids found more women face away from the nozzle, while most men face toward it.
Why? "I have no idea," she said. "That's just one of life's little mysteries."
When asked which female celebrity they'd most like to shower with, most men chose Angelina Jolie. Most women chose George Clooney.
Magids says she doesn't know why women face away from the shower and men face toward the nozzle. As a woman, I can say personally it's because I don't like water in my face. I would imagine, the reason most men face toward the nozzle is because they can put up with water in their face if it means they have water hitting "other areas". Any input, guys?
I've always thought that for women, a shower is an "experience" and for men a shower is just something you do. LOL