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Thread: 1610 N Gatewood Avenue

  1. #1

    Default 1610 N Gatewood Avenue

    Went by Anchor Down today to talk to Joey, one of the owners of AD and The Mule and he said they are going to do a comfort food concept in the Plaza District. They have already purchased the old garage at 1610 N Gatewood which is about 4,000 sf, will be completely gutting it (new roof, new electrical, plumbing, etc) and building new. They will be utilizing the yard to the south as an outdoor seating area and will have about 1/3 of building available for large parties. I've often thought this would be a good place for a business, but parking would be an issue. He also informed me that Steve Mason is buying everything he can on 15th Street. Mason bought a church on the south side of 15th street a few years ago, just west of this building and plans to tear it down and build a parking lot. Steve wants to make a loop for the Plaza district with 15th and 16th Street as the main thorough fares.


  2. #2

    Default Re: 1610 N Gatewood Avenue

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Mason bought a church on the south side of 15th street a few years ago, just west of this building and plans to tear it down and build a parking lot. Steve wants to make a loop for the Plaza district with 15th and 16th Street as the main thorough fares.
    Buying properties, tearing them down, and making them parking lots is such a bad idea. Does anyone notice that people seem to have no problem packing the Plaza District with the minimal parking currently? People will find alternative ways to get to the district if parking is limited... and that's exactly what OKC should want in some of these neighborhood/urban areas - real alternative forms of transportation via bikes, walking, bus, Uber, etc. Please don't raze properties for parking lots and destroy what makes the Plaza unique.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 1610 N Gatewood Avenue

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Buying properties, tearing them down, and making them parking lots is such a bad idea. Does anyone notice that people seem to have no problem packing the Plaza District with the minimal parking currently? People will find alternative ways to get to the district if parking is limited... and that's exactly what OKC should want in some of these neighborhood/urban areas - real alternative forms of transportation via bikes, walking, bus, Uber, etc. Please don't raze properties for parking lots and destroy what makes the Plaza unique.
    To Steve Mason's credit, that church is ugly, doesn't really fit in with the surrounding properties, is set back, and already surrounded by an big ugly parking lot. If his plans really are to create a lot on 15th st, this would be an easy place to do it.

    That being said, I completely agree with everything you wrote. People go to the Plaza because of it's walkability, store fronts that are nestled next to one another, and their ability to see and bee seen. I'll say again, people don't visit a place because it has great parking, they visit because of how it makes them feel. Having large swaths of asphalt can greatly reduce an area's sense of place despite having greater accessibility for cars. If people want to go somewhere bad enough, they will figure out how to get there despite parking issues.

  4. #4

    Default Re: 1610 N Gatewood Avenue

    Thanks for the update on the specific site. I guess I'd rather just see some denser, high quality condos or apartments take up the lot if the church is razed instead of a parking lot. Those new residents will likely move in with the intention of walking to Plaza District on a regular basis.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 1610 N Gatewood Avenue

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Thanks for the update on the specific site. I guess I'd rather just see some denser, high quality condos or apartments take up the lot if the church is razed instead of a parking lot. Those new residents will likely move in with the intention of walking to Plaza District on a regular basis.
    Totally agree.


    I think the Plaza has the potential to be a fairly self sustaining neighborhood in the future if work is done to improve density and draw more every day retail. Even if it never achieves that, having more people in the immediate vicinity will offset the need for parking lots as locals within walking/biking distance will support plaza businesses rather than people who drive in. I think that feeling of "neighborhoodness" gives a place authenticity which in turn will actually make it more irresistible for visitors (who will then struggle to find parking (but they will find it!)).

    All this is easy for me to say since I don't own businesses in OKC where most people drive. I really believe that true walkable neighborhoods can exist here, but it will take some bold and risky moves by developers to get the ball rolling in that direction.

  6. #6

    Default Re: 1610 N Gatewood Avenue

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    He also informed me that Steve Mason is buying everything he can on 15th Street. Mason bought a church on the south side of 15th street a few years ago, just west of this building and plans to tear it down and build a parking lot. Steve wants to make a loop for the Plaza district with 15th and 16th Street as the main thorough fares.
    I hate the idea of parking on that lot, but I really love the idea of extending to the south. If they were able to buy everything on that street and create a similarly walkable area to the south that would be huge.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 1610 N Gatewood Avenue

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    I hate the idea of parking on that lot, but I really love the idea of extending to the south. If they were able to buy everything on that street and create a similarly walkable area to the south that would be huge.
    Exactly. The primary retail spaces in the Plaza are pretty much all occupied. If there's a way to exapnd the retail component of the Plaza with a group of nearby properties, that would be a far better for the long-term vitality of the district.

  8. #8

    Default Re: 1610 N Gatewood Avenue

    Is 1610 Stanley's Garage? What ever happened with that snow cone stand?

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