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Thread: Case Plow Building

  1. #1

    Bricktown3 Case Plow Building

    The Case Plow Building in Bricktown has filed plans to renovate its large canal-level space and work should commence soon.

    As we reported last year, the building had been long vacant before owners Harding Shelton moved into the third floor and an energy company took the entire second level.

    Now, the plan is to finish out the basement / canal space creating 10,000 square feet of additional lease space in the hopes of attracting a major tenant.

    The plans also include adding a large patio at the water level which would extend in front of the building to the east, which is currently home to Zio's Italian Kitchen (located one level above) and also owned by Harding Shelton.

    The renovation would coincide with a new tunnel currently being constructed from the historic Santa Fe Depot into Bricktown. That project involves extending the existing tunnel that leads under the railroad tracks and up to the train platforms and then creating a large plaza that would draw people directly to the western terminus of the canal.

    The filed documents indicate that once design approval is obtained, work will commence in a few weeks.

    The J. I. Case Plow Works Building was built in 1909 and placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Such good news. I have always thought it was a shame the canal level had never been finished out. I am sure the connection to santa Fe makes it more desirable location now but in my opinion that has always been a great spot for patio seating.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Wow, this is the biggest canal news in a decade if not longer. Possibly the biggest eye sore in all of bricktown.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Will make a massive difference and I hope it will inspire other owners to invest more in their canal-level space.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Nice! Here's hoping this development goes off without a hitch.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    My understanding is they have the money and are ready to get this going once they get all the necessary permits and approvals.

    They had a similar plan approved in 2012 and then hoped they could get a tenant first, but have now decided to go ahead even without having a lease in hand.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    This is good news.

    Why this wasn't done when Bricktown was THE downtown district is beyond me. The canal level has long been ignored and underutilized. Hopefully this will start similar development down there and will revitalize the are as B'town's shine is fading.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Can the canal frontage to the east be developed as well? It looks like this is a development under the western most building and other side will still be open. Am I seeing that right?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    So that tunnel connection is being done? I thought that part of the Santa Fe Intermodal Hub might have been put on hold due to the impending possibility of Amtrak not continuing service and possibly losing that federal funding. Did I miss some news? Thanks for any info.

    This will be a nice update and bring so much more life to that end of the canal!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Case Plow Building


    The Santa Fe project is being funded by MAPS, so yes, the tunnel is still on.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    ^Oh heck, I did not know that. Unrock on!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Why this wasn't done when Bricktown was THE downtown district is beyond me. The canal level has long been ignored and underutilized. Hopefully this will start similar development down there and will revitalize the are as B'town's shine is fading.

    I know a lot of the other districts have gained in popularity and are generally more active with developments (and so get more coverage on here), but I think for most of the populace Bricktown is still considered THE downtown district. Surely hasn't stopped attracting crowds.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Yes, look a few posts above.

    I walked all through Bricktown on Sunday afternoon and there were people everywhere. And not just sitting around eating and drinking: playing mini golf, inside Brickopolis playing the games, walking along the canal and streets, checking out the land run monument, etc.

    Still lots of rooms for improvement but there is simply nothing else close in OKC.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    A couple weeks ago, I went for a run with a friend along the canal and to the river. Bricktown along the canal and the land run monument was packed. Some many people out there.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    A couple weeks ago, I went for a run with a friend along the canal and to the river. Bricktown along the canal and the land run monument was packed. Some many people out there.
    Yea, really regret not going with wider sidewalks along the canal. For something that is largely group-used, two person wide sidewalks just don't work.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Wow, this is the biggest canal news in a decade if not longer. Possibly the biggest eye sore in all of bricktown.
    I fully agree. This is some of the biggest news in my book that has graced this forum in a LONG time. For years. And years, when I've walked BT and the canal I couldn't understand why that building was the way it was and why it wasn't being utilized and/or beautified.

    Such good news. This helps complete that end of the canal so much more.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkasa View Post
    I know a lot of the other districts have gained in popularity and are generally more active with developments (and so get more coverage on here), but I think for most of the populace Bricktown is still considered THE downtown district. Surely hasn't stopped attracting crowds.
    For most of the populace, Bricktown IS Downtown

  18. Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Man, I just hate seeing districts pitted against one another, period. Bricktown is BETTER OFF for the emergence of the newer districts. They are inspiring more creativity out of establishments, and upping the game, which is important for Bricktown. At the same time, other districts have the experience of Bricktown to learn from, and it serves as an instructive model. The health of other downtown districts inspires investor confidence for the whole of downtown, Bricktown included, which we have seen in recent years. And which has led to a new generation of investors and property owners in BT (and elsewhere). It also relieves Bricktown of some of the pressure to be everything for everybody.

    Furthermore, as Bricktown (and nearby Deep Deuce) develop(s) residentially and with hotels, the other close-by districts offer variety to those residents, just like the proximity of Bricktown is a positive for people living in Automobile Alley, Midtown, etc.. The more nearby options residents have, the better the argument for living there, no matter what district banner is in which place.

    But the idea that time has somehow passed Bricktown by is ridiculous and downright laughable. If you insist on keeping score, understand that Bricktown has more under-construction, announced and planned development right now than any other district. By A LOT. And that doesn't even count the lumberyard property or the expected Funk development at the old cotton compress. And one more tidbit: the City recently did a sales tax study of the one square mile that comprises Bricktown and found out that each month the district brings in about 5% of the TOTAL sales tax for the ENTIRE CITY of OKC. That is one square mile out of 622 square miles. Not sure how you can turn that into "Bricktown's shine is fading."

  19. #19

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Man, I just hate seeing districts pitted against one another, period. Bricktown is BETTER OFF for the emergence of the newer districts. They are inspiring more creativity out of establishments, and upping the game, which is important for Bricktown. At the same time, other districts have the experience of Bricktown to learn from, and it serves as an instructive model. The health of other downtown districts inspires investor confidence for the whole of downtown, Bricktown included, which we have seen in recent years. And which has led to a new generation of investors and property owners in BT (and elsewhere). It also relieves Bricktown of some of the pressure to be everything for everybody.

    Furthermore, as Bricktown (and nearby Deep Deuce) develop(s) residentially and with hotels, the other districts offer variety to those residents, just like the proximity of Bricktown is a positive for people living in Automobile Alley, Midtown, etc.. The more nearby options residents have, the better the argument for living there, no matter what district banner is in which place.

    But the idea that time has somehow passed Bricktown by is ridiculous and downright laughable. If you insist on keeping score, understand that Bricktown has more under-construction, announced and planned development right now than any other district. By A LOT. And that doesn't even count the lumberyard property or the expected Funk development at the old cotton compress. And one more tidbit: the City recently did a sales tax study of the one square mile that comprises Bricktown and found out that each month the district brings in about 5% of the TOTAL sales tax for the ENTIRE CITY of OKC. That is one square mile out of 622 square miles. Not sure how you can turn that into "Bricktown's shine is fading."
    Bricktown is definitely packed on weekend nights. I don't see the argument that it is fading, in fact with the recent boom of entertainment options, hotels, and even more restaurants, I think BT is accelerating at a faster pace than many of the other districts in the city that are claimed to have passed BT.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    ^^ Not to be that guy, but Bricktown is actually only 0.25 square miles, which I think helps Urbanized's argument even more.

  21. Default Re: Case Plow Building

    I can't remember for certain the boundaries they used - I did see a map at the time that the report was done - but I THINK they included Lower Bricktown and went north to the tracks north of Main and used the BNSF tracks and Lincoln as E-W boundaries.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    ^ Those are the same boundaries I used to find the area on Google Maps, except for the eastern boundary; I used I-235 and the railroad on the SE south, comes out to 0.25 square miles. Using Lincoln as the boundary instead of I-235 brings the area down to 0.23 sq mi.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    I didn't mean to get everyone's panties in a wad by saying that B'town's shine is fading. I was just trying to say that I think this is good and positive news. But leave it to you guys to focus on what you perceive to be the negative. I'm not trying to pit one district against another.

    On another thread on here people were lamenting the fact that when TNT et al. are here for an NBA game that they use stock footage of Bricktown that shows the area to be dead. I drive through there some days and there's just not that much going on. But on weekends and during special events like game nights it's alive and crowded. However, I've been to Midtown on a random Tuesday night (or other nights) and I've seen couples walking with a baby stroller, people who live in the area just out for a walk or a meal and stopping on the sidewalk to talk to other people. It was a lively area on an average evening.

    Again, I'm not pitting districts against one another. I do think that one district growing and doing well is good for other districts. A rising tide lifts all ships kinda thing. And I'm glad Brickopolis is there. It's finally something other than a restaurant. Bricktown does need more retail however.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Owners are planning a rooftop deck for events at 12 E. Sheridan.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Case Plow Building

    Very nice!

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