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Thread: OKC postcards in black and white?

  1. #1

    Default OKC postcards in black and white?

    Search for OKC B&W postcards, either vintage era or current.

    Any local shops that leap to mind?

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC postcards in black and white?

    I'm not sure about post cards but you might check with the state historical society. They do offer black and white prints.


  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC postcards in black and white?

    you'll probably have to do a little hunting, but you can probably find some at various antique stores around town... trouble is, many of them don't separate the oklahoma ones from everything else. off the top of my head, there's a stall in the downtown farmer's market that has a bunch of old postcards, then on north western & i-44 there's antique avenue, and on 10th & may there's a place called ancient of days. -M

  4. Default Re: OKC postcards in black and white?

    Very few black and white postcards exist. Even when photos were all b&w, postcard companies colorized them for production. I've collected historic postcards of OKC (and other places I'm fond of) for 25 years or more, and I'll bet I have only a dozen or so b&w cards in my collection, out of hundreds.

    And FWIW the best place to get OKC postcards is...anyplace but OKC. There are many to be found here of course, but they are all very high compared to other places. When you go to another city, a great antique mall will usually have tons of OKC (and every other city) and be MUCH cheaper. You should only buy cards you can't get elsewhere, if buying in the city you are looking for.

    Also, eBay is another excellent place to find OKC cards for reasonable prices.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC postcards in black and white?

    Thanks for all the feedback.

    I found a few on Zazzle and I am also going to make some of my own.

  6. Default Re: OKC postcards in black and white?

    There is a company called Found Image Press that I used to use for custom post cards and greeting cards that I sold in Oklahoma's Red Dirt Emporium, back when I owned it. Here is their site: http://www.foundimage.com/content.as...=HomePage.html

    They have a number of historic postcard images on file that they will use to make products like greeting cards, journals, playing cards, etc. not cheap but excellent quality. You can also send them your own image of any type.

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC postcards in black and white?

    It seems like there are some in the Plaza. Perhaps at Tree and Leaf or the Bison shop in the back alley by the Plaza Walls.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC postcards in black and white?

    Maybe you can make some of your own through here:


    Not sure if you've heard of this website or not. When I first saw it several years ago you couldn't peel me off of the computer for days as I looked at all the early OKC picture collections.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKC postcards in black and white?

    DNA Galleries in the Plaza has a decent amount of B&W photos. I don't know how many are postcards, but it is probably what you are looking for!

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