Does anyone know if there is any sort of penalty placed on crews or those in the accident for how much they block traffic? I've been behind a few wrecks on the interstates in OK/TX lately that blocked all lanes on one side, and I come up to the scene only to see firefighters and police officers sitting around bull****ting. It seems like they could be helping to clear debris to at least get traffic flowing on one lane or even the shoulder. This past week, the tow truck was trying to pull a SUV off the cable barrier so it was blocking lanes in both directions. This was just over the Eastern Ave bridge on 240. Makes perfect sense to to me to back up and route traffic to the off-ramp. But when they do that, they need to stick an officer down at the intersection to prioritize the interstate traffic instead of making it stop at the freaking stop sign like normal. Simple things like that can keep things moving but it seems like no one ever does anything like this.
It's so incredibly frustrating to see, quite literally, miles of cars just sitting there and no one doing any actual work at the scene. That includes AFTER the wreck has been cleared. Get our a broom and get to work guys.