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Thread: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

  1. #1

    Default R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    Damn, another music great, this is getting really sad...

  2. Default Re: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    Aw crap. That sucks. Loved Jefferson Starship stuff as long as I can recall, and as I got older developed a great appreciation for Airplane stuff too. I was lucky enough to be seated across from Craig Chaquico at dinner one time and had some great conversations about his time in that orbit. What a long strange trip.

  3. #3

    Default Re: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    Starship, STARship, STARSHIP???? Oh wait, you redeemed yourself. :-P And actually, the first couple of Starship albums (Blows Against the Empire and Sunfighter, which were embryonic Starship) are great, and Chaquico was on Sunfighter (as his first Jefferson-associated album, I believe, according to Allmusic, since I hadn't ever heard his name before), so I'll bet he had some amazing stories to tell, as anybody associated with the SF bands of the late 60s/early 70s would...

    I've *gotta* start taking better care of myself, reading about all these folks is spooking me, I'd like to live past 67 (Frey) or 74 (Kantner).

  4. #4

    Default Re: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    Here is a favorite track and this is the radio edit that you hear on 92.5 not the actual 7 min{naughtier version}.......RIP

  5. Default Re: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    Yeah, Red Octopus is my favorite album, and Miracles is in my top 5 songs of all time, any act. That transitional time from Airplane to (Jefferson) Starship is my favorite. We can all of course agree that "Starship" (hold the Jefferson) was poop.

  6. #6

    Default Re: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    Wow, just heard that Signe Anderson (the singer whose place Grace took) died the same day as Kantner.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    Actually, they were Jefferson Airplane. Then they broke up. Some regrouped as Starship and others as another band.

  8. Default Re: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    Actually, some regrouped as JEFFERSON Starship. See? You left off the Jeff name just like I did, intentionally, but I knew what you meant. I'm pretty well-versed in the history of each of the bands and have nearly everything they put out, including Paul Kantner's solo project Paul Kantner and the Jefferson Starship, which actually preceded Jefferson Starship, the band. The album is "Blows Against the Empire". It has all kinds of guest artists, including members of CSNY and The Grateful Dead.

  9. #9

    Default Re: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    Yep, like he said... Also, there were some odd albums - just Kantner and Slick (and I think Freiberg?) doing _Baron Von Tollbooth and the Chrome Nun_, and then some of the folks on there were on Grace's solo 1974 album, and also on Kantner/Slick's _sunfighter_, the Pete Frame family tree of all the Kanter/Slick bands would be pretty interesting. Then there's the rhythm section's bands - Hot Tuna, etc., which is a whole other kettle of fish...

  10. #10
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    Default Re: R.I.P. Paul Kantner

    I think I just had flashbacks to high school and college

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