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If I won the lottery, I would not want to win one of these HUGE ones. I think I would much rather win something smaller like $6-$8 million rather than $100 million plus. With smaller winnings, I would still need to be financially responsible and really put a lot of thought in how to stretch/grow my money. I could provide a little better life for my family, but yet still have the internal flame going inside me reminding me that I need to be smart with my money...or risk running out of it in a few years.
If my winnings were in excess of 100 Million, I'm pretty certain my life expectancy drops to about zero real quick. I know my marriage would be wrecked, and I cant imagine my body being able to handle the mountains of cocaine and hookers, and the weekend rendezvous in Dubai, Paris or London. I just don't think I would have the intestinal fortitude to be responsible in any way shape or form.