Often what I'm most interested in seeing on OKCTalk is the latest photos of development projects. And I don't always keep up with things as they happen. I may not have time to come here and catch up for weeks at a time, by which time dozens and dozens of pages of unread posts accumulate. There's a lot of valuable discussion that happens here, but there are only a few projects/threads I'm interested in enough to read through everything. However, I love seeing the photos that people post of every project. It's a great way to get a high-level sense of what's going on out there.
I don't know if this is something anyone else would be interested in. But I wouldn't be surprised, so I thought I'd throw this out there. I would find it useful to be able to see a sort of gallery of the latest photos posted in threads in Development & Buildings, Transportation, etc, sorted by date - latest first.