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I can speak from first-hand experience on the claim that they are paying better. That's definitely NOT the case. In fact, OU is pushing more and more to not have tenure for professors, they're reducing the number of full professors and increasing the number of instructors. Those instructors are often not given enough class hours to qualify for benefits and a lot of the professors are only given visiting privileges so they can't qualify either. The instructor staff often has to work a second job in order to make a living out of teaching. OU has made a conscious choice to NOT invest in their professorships and should be a good reason that they are not going up in any ranking. The instructor staff (many of which hold phd's, and most hold a masters) are treated very poorly by the university.
I don't really feel it's fair to put TU in the same comparison with OU or OSU. It might as well be a private school with the level the tuition is at. When you're able to charge that much (most expensive in the state...even higher than OCU), you can afford to do a WHOLE lot more. You also cut out the vast majority of the population from even being considered for your student population.