This should probably be posted in the politics section; however, given the huge implications of this on OKC I am leaving this here.
Oklahoma proposed bill would prevent businesses from banning guns at certain events | News OK
Left out of this story but included in the AP article was that the city's 20 year contract with the Womens College World Series specifically states that firearms are prohibited at the venue. So this law would make that portion illegal.The measure would imperil national shows, athletic competitions and concerts that pump hundreds millions of dollars into the economy, said Roy Williams, president and chief executive officer of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber. Businesses that run these events often contractually require that guns be banned.
“It could literally kill dozens, dozens and dozens of regional and national events,” said Williams, who is urging the governor to veto it.
Once again, the state legislature is at it again and they are about to screw OKC over big time. You folks in OKC need to call the governor's office, the chamber cannot do it alone.