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Thread: Most disapprove of Bush's handling of crisis

  1. #1

    Default Most disapprove of Bush's handling of crisis

    Unlike what a previous thread tried to make us believe, the approval of the president's handling of the Katrina crisis has indeed slipped.

    From CBS:
    President George W. Bush's overall response to Katrina meets with disapproval today – a dramatic change from the public’s reaction just after the storm hit on August 29th. Last week, in the two days immediately after Katrina made landfall, a majority of Americans said they approved of Bush's response, although more than a third were not sure. Now, only 38% approve. A majority disapproves.


    Approve — 38%
    Disapprove — 58%
    Don't Know — 4%

    Approve — 54%
    Disapprove — 12%
    Don't Know — 34%


  2. #2
    Didaskalos Guest

    Default Re: Most disapprove of Bush's handling of crisis

    This, of course, will be seen as the fault of the 'liberal media'. When it is in his favor, that is proof of people's seeing through the liberal bias. When it is not in his favor, they have tainted people's view.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Most disapprove of Bush's handling of crisis


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