While I have always bemoaned the nearsightedness of many OKC leaders, past and present regarding the historic treasures that have been lost, and those about to be lost.…I fully realized the sadness of that nearsightedness these past three days. I have been in Portland, Oregon, attending a conference. This afternoon I was finally able to really meander about town for a few hours just exploring this beautiful city. And the things I learned really saddened me. I'm sitting in my hotel room now pondering what I have learned.
I realize there are many differences between Portland and OKC. I realize the metro area of Portland is quite a bit larger than OKC. I realize the city is older and situated on two beautiful rivers, surrounded by mountains and gorgeous scenery. But what Portland has done…that OKC has not done…is they have saved and re-purposed their historic buildings. At the expense of large, glass towers…Portland has saved their historic buildings. The hotel where I am staying was the old Lipman and Wolfe Department store. A beautiful building that is now a beautiful boutique hotel. Another historic building is now a Macy's and several other stores. Another is a multi floor Target store. Several are hotels of nearly every banner. Hotels we have in OKC, but they are in old historic buildings and not new fake stucco cookie cutter buildings. Most all the buildings in Portland are older buildings that have been restored and house businesses, hotels, restaurants, stores and housing. In the Old Town section, there is one large 5 or so floor building that houses a branch of the University of Oregon. Many of the old buildings are from the early part of the century. This building was constructed in 1912-17 area. But most are not any older than many of the ones we tore down. And this is a great walking city. Just so much to see walking around. Old theaters still being used as theaters or live production venues. Parks every few blocks. And food trucks/trailers in several places. Nearly every vacant lot…has food trucks parked around the perimeter of the lot and they are quite busy during lunch. We ate at the food trucks every day. There were dozens. One whole city block was ringed with food trucks. And I love the Max light rail system. Makes me excited about our coming street cars. I just hope we extend them further out from the downtown area.
I realize we have a bit of that in Bricktown…but think about it…a boutique hotel in the Baum building? What a great place that would be. The Criterion theater hosting live music and movies. The Midwest theater doing the same. Housing in the Black hotel. Housing or a hotel in the Biltmore. That would be so sweet. I could go on and on but I know you get what I'm saying.
I just walked around this city thinking what could have been for OKC if our leaders had realized the treasures we had/have. And it saddens me more to realize we are about to tear down several more great old treasures. Don't tell me they are functionally obsolete. You could have said the same about the old Lipman and Wolfe Department Store. But now…it's a great boutique hotel that is quite popular and quite pricy.
Really the only thing Portland has that I'm glad we don't have is the huge population of homeless. I was amazed how many homeless there were here. And what was surprising was the vast majority are young people. 20-somethings. There are thousands of them. Nearly every street corner has several congregated or camping out. I walked down to the river park, and on the walking trail along the river I found 25-30 camped out under a bridge. I asked the Doorman at the hotel about the many homeless and he said it was a situation that has gotten out of hand because of the long-time acceptance of the problem by the city leaders here. It was somewhat sad. Especially when he told me that may come from out of state because of tales of how fun it is to live on the streets in Portland. They come…get addicted to drugs and then become a nuisance. It was sad seeing kids digging through the trash cans at the park by the food trucks to find un-eaten food. We gave one our leftovers. Most of them are nice enough…but they are a blight on this beautiful city.
Anyway…I just felt the need to vent. I see these great old buildings and think of what could have been if out leaders had exercised the same foresight and restraint as it regarded the fabulous old palaces we had in OKC. And it saddens me that we are continuing to repeat the same mistakes.