Mark Schultz remembers needing to destroy something.
His older brother, Dave, his protector, his best friend and his ultimate competition was dead, murdered by a man they had once considered a friend.
“This man that ruined me and ruined my career took my brother. He took my brother,” Mark Schultz said last week while in Hollywood for the premiere of “Foxcatcher,” a movie that chronicles the careers of the two former University of Oklahoma wrestling brothers and their toxic relationship with eccentric millionaire John du Pont, who was found guilty in the 1996 shooting death of Dave Schultz.
The movie is told from Mark Schultz’s point of view and begins as he’s training for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. Portrayed in the movie by actor Channing Tatum, Mark Schultz meets du Pont, an heir to the DuPont Chemical Company fortune, who has taken an interest in building an unbeatable wrestling team to compete in the Olympic games.