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Thread: Jenkins - Your Music Store

  1. #1

    Mid-Del Jenkins - Your Music Store

    Jenkins Music Company, one of Midwest City's very long term businesses, is closing its doors between now and December 31, 2014.
    After 50 years in retail, the owner, Ken Leerstang, has decided to retire.

    Facebook post and comments here:


    Jenkins 2014 by woodyrr, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Jenkins - Your Music Store

    That will make my wife sad. She had bought quite a bit of piano sheet music there.

  3. Default Re: Jenkins - Your Music Store

    Well if they were ever able to offer reasonable prices on things (especially school band gear), they would have survived. I don't really count this as a loss to be honest. They tried to capitalize off of relationships with directors to keep the business they had, but that really just caused schools to not get the best price.

    I was always curious if this was related to the Jenkins that was once in downtown OKC.

    The super bad thing is, it's really the major tenant in an otherwise pretty bleh center. I guarantee if they weren't there, we wouldn't have seen the facelift to what it is now. But the size is perfect for a new eatery......any takers?

  4. Default Re: Jenkins - Your Music Store

    Yeah, the only thing that made me steer clear of Jenkins was the prices.. and I thought Del City Music was bad on over charging.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Jenkins - Your Music Store

    I was always glad there was a music store close by, but would only go for strings, cords, rosin etc. They are way to high on prices for major purchases. I'm sure it's hard to compete with the "Walmart of Music Stores", Guitar Center. Sad.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Jenkins - Your Music Store

    I remember going there when I was in middle school band. Sad to see they are closing.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Jenkins - Your Music Store

    They have decent guitar string prices and the couple of times I was there the folks were super nice. Oh well there's always Amazon.

  8. Default Re: Jenkins - Your Music Store

    You just made an excellent point Stew. Small locally owned companies like this totally missed the internet age and never bothered to get online. Being a source through Amazon could have helped them to increase sales. Their website is pathetic and never even attempted to offer online purchases. One thing they could have done, was to put music orders online and allowed you to order sheet music through them and ship it to your own home or to the store. Similar for reeds. Wanna buy a certain guitar, why not online? It's a generational thing for the owner, but it's a case that has happened all over. The stores that are surviving aren't operating under the same old school model Jenkins has.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Jenkins - Your Music Store

    From the Midwest City, Oklahoma: History & Memories Facebook page:

    Matt Dukes "Ok all of you Midwest City history members, the proclamation for Ken and Jenkins Music is complete. It will be presented at next Tuesday's council meeting. It would be great if we filled the council chamber to recognize this great business. The meeting starts at 7:00pm Tuesday, December 9 at 100 N. Midwest Blvd. Ken and staff have been humbled by the response, also there was a great article in the business section of the Oklahoman Wednesday about the history of the store. I hope everyone can make it Tuesday. Thanks in advance, Matt"


    I don't know if this link to "The Oklahoman" article is going to work, but it can be found with a google search.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Jenkins - Your Music Store

    Just an FYI. The repair guy that used to work at Jenkin's has opened his own repair shop in Del City. I take my son's saxaphone to be repaired and I think he does a good job and his prices are reasonable. He is located at 4513 SE 29 St., Del CityOklahoma OK. The place is named Cole Instrument Repair.

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