So . . . The other night, my wife and I decided to take a little stroll south, along the relatively pedestrian-friendly stretch of road adjacent to The Wedge. (Which, by the way, has pizza at least as good as The Best Pizza in the Known World.)
After looking through the windows of all the "antique" (a.k.a. junque, clutter and/or dustcatcher) shoppes on the west side of the street, we crossed over at what used to be the Will Rogers Theater.
On the way back to our vehicle--that was selfishly taking up a parking spot back there at The Wedge--we encounted a truly amazing work of art in progress. One of the things that struck me was that this wonderful painting was being done on a side wall of a structure that was my first workplace when I moved to Oklahoma back in the last century.
My wife asked the artist if it would be okay to get a picture of her and the mural she was creating. The young lady smiled and obliged.
I hope that posting this link, to one part of the artist's website, isn't an invasion of her personal space.
It is intended simply as a note of appreciation and gratitude for her contribution to the ever improving culture of my adopted hometown.
The Art of Julie JUURI Robertson