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Thread: Public Transportation In Oklahoma City.

  1. #1

    Bricktown3 Public Transportation In Oklahoma City.

    Is public transportation in OKC (especially downtown)very rare??? I have lived in Oklahoma City my entire life and I have never seen much in the way of public transportation(even when I frequent Downtown). Is it still a rarity in this OKC????

  2. #2

    Default Re: Public Transportation In Oklahoma City.

    Until the streetcar gets built, pretty much the extent of public transportation here is a subpar bus system. You are better off taking a taxi or a system like Uber if you don't want to drive.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Public Transportation In Oklahoma City.

    Ok. Thank You.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Public Transportation In Oklahoma City.

    If memory serves, every OKC bus route leaves from downtown and thus, returns to DT to leave out again.

  5. Default Re: Public Transportation In Oklahoma City.

    My take:

    seems to be a lot of overlap in the routes. should be an easy fix to have the routes spur from downtown and let folks transfer. Why let almost every route go up classen to penn square or through the OHC, seems very inefficient. Take the S Walker route, run it in the southside and stop at downtown. This might allow MORE routes and/or frequencies.

    also, they need to have some late coverage, at least a bus every hour instead of just ending at 7pm. ...
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  6. #6
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Public Transportation In Oklahoma City.

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    My take:

    seems to be a lot of overlap in the routes. should be an easy fix to have the routes spur from downtown and let folks transfer. Why let almost every route go up classen to penn square or through the OHC, seems very inefficient. Take the S Walker route, run it in the southside and stop at downtown. This might allow MORE routes and/or frequencies.

    also, they need to have some late coverage, at least a bus every hour instead of just ending at 7pm. ...
    Agreed! It's my main complaint about the bus system in Norman. They run all the buses through campus when there should be more ability to transfer away from campus.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Public Transportation In Oklahoma City.

    I'm concerned about the fact that when MassTrans (or whatever) changed their branding to Embark and then eliminated MY bus stop, and following that, relocated the sign from where it was to where it is now without moving the bench. Dang. How thoughtless is THAT? =) I think there should be more Bus Drivers at the helm rather than Junior College MBAs. =)

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