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Thread: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

  1. #1

    Default Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    I believe so. I can't believe we are still using coal in this day in age. I understand it is more expensive and I'm not saying we need to go solar, but there are so many other techniques that are way better. I'm a huge supporter of nuclear. Right now fission is the main source, but if we can ever perfect cold fusion, then it's a no brainier. There is no energy greater than what nuclear energy can provide; if you want proof, just look at the sun. When you think about it, solar energy comes from nuclear energy, and think how much energy is lost but the amount we receive is still staggering.

    This article is pretty crazy. Not sure how accurate it is, but it is sad. It was posted in 2011 anyhow.

    Ashes to Ashes | This Land Press

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Are you kidding? People had a COW over OG&E raising the rate per KWH 1 cent!! To go 100% green (solar/wind/hydro) would mean electric bills would be DOUBLE what we pay today for the same KWH. Nuclear is cheap but the public is scared of it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Cold Fusion will be the magic bullet for a lot of energy woes. With that we could be jammin' like the Jetsons.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by Servicetech571 View Post
    Are you kidding? People had a COW over OG&E raising the rate per KWH 1 cent!! To go 100% green (solar/wind/hydro) would mean electric bills would be DOUBLE what we pay today for the same KWH. Nuclear is cheap but the public is scared of it.
    Well, I don't mean to go 100% green. You have natural gas which is also acceptable.

    As far as nuclear, yes it does have a negative view in the general public's eye, but with anything, you can educate people on the matter.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    The invention of true cold fusion energy generation would solve a lot of the worlds' problems.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    It's difficult for OG&E to close plants when peak demand in constantly increasing. Eventually I see OG&E adopting TOU rates exculsively as other utility companies have done, fixed rate pricing for power is becomign a thing of the past. Once TOU rates are in effect for everybody, the need for new power plants will be delayed.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Ref: OP News Source:

    This Land Press is an impeccable source of the best in the poetic remembrances of yesteryear, combined with an imaginary vision for the future involving . . .
    oh . . . I dunno . . . Unicorns running endlessly on power generating treadmills made of recycled rainbows? While powering wind turbines with the flapping of their imaginary wings so they can finally become like Pegasus . . .? Ironically, the former symbol of Mobil[e] Oil Corporation. =)

    Yet, at least, This Land Press isn't grindingly negative.
    And that's why I love 'em.
    They help keep me centered. =)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    The invention of true cold fusion energy generation would solve a lot of the worlds' problems.
    It's been done already. The fossil fuel controlled by the minions of The Illuminati put the kibosh on it.
    Didn't you ever see the movie "Tucker"? =)

    I hope, by now, the =) can be translated as "I'm [sort of] joking here."

  9. #9

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Ref: OP News Source:

    This Land Press is an impeccable source of the best in the poetic remembrances of yesteryear, combined with an imaginary vision for the future involving . . .
    oh . . . I dunno . . . Unicorns running endlessly on power generating treadmills made of recycled rainbows? While powering wind turbines with the flapping of their imaginary wings so they can finally become like Pegasus . . .? Ironically, the former symbol of Mobil[e] Oil Corporation. =)

    Yet, at least, This Land Press isn't grindingly negative.
    And that's why I love 'em.
    They help keep me centered. =)
    bro..... I want to know what you are smoking asapy.... I'll have what you're having

  10. #10

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    bro..... I want to know what you are smoking asapy.... I'll have what you're having
    Baccarat, The Game, Dolce Far Niente (since 1871)
    (and I think, rather than "asapy", the correct term sounds more like "essay" (at least in English)) =)

    Some people are bothered by smoke.
    Others are bothered by 707 HP Dodges on the highway fueled by dead forest by-products that have indirectly evolved into a reason for the aforementioned vehicle in the first place.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    As Charles Manson once said "someone offered me something if I would sign something, but then, someone else told me not to sign anything because my name was worth a lot of money and they didn't want me using it as another economy".

    Helter Skelter and rattlesnakes.

    BTW, my official language is retiny

    But you good sir, mad your first mistake. Any rainbow expert, will know, the trademarked word is owned by the Leprechauns and they use their steeds in order to artificially induce insemination between the two types of rainbows: acute and obtuse. My question to you is, which one are you?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    They'll be begging for more coal as the ice man cometh.

    Check out those sun spots. Oh wait. They were JUST here...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    They'll be begging for more coal as the ice man cometh.

    Check out those sun spots. Oh wait. They were JUST here...
    Dodge Chargers, and the covetousness (thereof) are the indirect cause of all these pesky local earthquakes.
    (wasn't there once a movie regarding perspective called Antz?)

    And I think Rod Serling had a thing or two to say about how "we" perceive reality . . .
    Didn't he? I'm old I wish I could forget. =)

    (note to self: never use Charles Manson as a point of reference. Except in regard to his connection with The Beach Boys.)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Yes. It's time.

  15. Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Yes, but here's my catch. Don't pass the cost on to the consumer. In any other business venture, you can't just pass off things like this to the customer. That's because the customer has options and will simply go to the next company for the widget. In utilities, we're stuck. Personally, I feel like OG&E should have to take out a loan to pay for the new non-coal plant and work to pay that off over 30 years just like any other company that has to make a large investment in their own infrastructure. They want to be able to charge customers directly for the thing, but of course, the rate will NEVER decrease. When was the last time you saw the rate decrease from something they built? By the time they say the plant is paid for, then they will just say that the rates need to stay the same because of higher operating costs.

    Sometimes I really feel like the power companies should be taken over by federal management and turned into non-profits. Streamline the administration, better balance the market, and remove profit centric views from the service they provide. Seems to work well for every city in the U.S. that provides their own water service and power touches everything water does.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Yes, but here's my catch. Don't pass the cost on to the consumer. In any other business venture, you can't just pass off things like this to the customer. That's because the customer has options and will simply go to the next company for the widget. In utilities, we're stuck. Personally, I feel like OG&E should have to take out a loan to pay for the new non-coal plant and work to pay that off over 30 years just like any other company that has to make a large investment in their own infrastructure. They want to be able to charge customers directly for the thing, but of course, the rate will NEVER decrease. When was the last time you saw the rate decrease from something they built? By the time they say the plant is paid for, then they will just say that the rates need to stay the same because of higher operating costs.

    Sometimes I really feel like the power companies should be taken over by federal management and turned into non-profits. Streamline the administration, better balance the market, and remove profit centric views from the service they provide. Seems to work well for every city in the U.S. that provides their own water service and power touches everything water does.
    I can agree with this. We'll still have oil and ng power coupled with other sources of renewable energy.

    Could a large scale hydropower network be feasible? Oklahoma has more man-made lakes that any state, so that's something to keep in mind.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Is it time to end coal fire plants in Oklahoma?

    IMHO more things should be privatized, the government can't do anything efficiently. City electric isn't any cheaper than private companies unless they are using tax dollars to subsidize operating costs. Look at Edmond electric, they are set up exactly the same as OG&E. A surchage over 1400KWH in summer, price break over 600KWH in winter. Just no TOU/VPP options for residential customers.

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