I've noticed in recent years various new electronic devices that are affixed to many street intersections and also some that hover over major highways and am curious as to what exactly they are? I recently read a story on KFOR that mentioned a vehicle used in a vehicular homocide was able to be identifed via the use of a "scanner traffic". My immediate thought when hearing "scanner" is a police radio, but of course, I know that's not what they are referring to. One device I've noticed recently is a set of twin white "bars" that are affixed to a pole that hovers over passing highway traffic. I'm guessing these are some sort of IR sensors that can detect information from vehicles that pass underneath it. A friend of mine is a tech at Verizon and says many majortransportation thoroughfares are equipped with devices that work in conjunction witj a software program called Epsilon which is capable of reading any data encoded on your cell phone, credit cards, etc....they know exactly who you are, where you've been, etc. I know most street intersections have surveillance cameras affixed to a short pole that protrudes from the mid section of the street pole holding the traffic lights, also these same poles have a small squared 3-inch "box" which is used by emergency vehicles to quickly change the lights from red to green in their favor.