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Thread: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

  1. #1

    Question Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    It's been awhile since we've lived back in OK and OKC for that matter. I would like to get as many opinions as possible on where to raise two teenagers in the Oklahoma City metro area. I will be working off Western & I-40, so distance isn't too big a factor, but definitely do not want to be driving more than 30 minutes give or take to get to work every day. Much appreciated for any advice.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Does anyone on here have any input? Yukon, Mustang, Norman, Newcastle? Thoughts, anyone?

  3. Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Well you have Edmond schools that are pretty nice. I went there and it was a good experience. You have Deer Creek Schools which are smaller but nice. I heard Piedmont schools are nice as well.

    Putnam City Schools are not too bad. I think it depends on the high school.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Having raised three though Norman schools (Adams, Whittier and North) and having compared some notes with a dear friend who has her second child almost finished via Monroe, Alcott and High, as well as other notes along the way with several parents via church, baseball, scouting, etc., I'm a fan of Norman schools.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    There are some good schools down south and west but that's a rather nasty commute, depending on the time of day, from parts of the southside to your job. There are a lot of great public schools but the i44/I40 interchange can be slow.

  7. Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Start with the end in mind. Speak with parents and students who have matriculated through the school(s) you're considering. If you receive positive feedback, the school(s) deserve a second look.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    I'll add this to the Norman/OKC commute. It's nothing but a pain for lemmings, and nothing but a breeze to non-lemmings.

    If one's goal is to leave when most so, then one ends up on the I-35 parking lot for a spell with everyone who had the same bad idea.

    I've left north Norman in the 7:10-7:25 window a time or three, and ditched the interstate on the south side of Moore to escape my self-inflicted punishment.
    When I have my head on straight I'm already in the city and reading my mail or a paper by 7:35, sometimes earlier depending on why I have come north.

    Going home is the same. Run an errand or knock out a bit more work, and still end up at home about the time as the never learns who jockey the highway for just one extra car length and call it a win.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    We looked several years ago and came to the decision to put out kids in Moore schools. I liked Norman but didn't want the commute. Brink jr high or the new one opening in next couple of years and high school would shoot for Moore south or Moore west. Tough for me to say as a MWC grad. Piedmont and deer creek were out due to commute. Edmond is like any other school district as far as other problems but most of the Edmond kids I Interacted with growing up seemed to think they were entitled and didn't want my kids being the same. Before everyone with kids in edmond schools starts bashing me....that was MY experience based on MY encounters and thus I am entitled to MY opinion. Doesn't 'make it it the truth or right...just my opinion. ( I worked two years at frontier city with bunch of Edmond students and have several family members who graduated Edmond schools.). My wife was Yukon grad and her and her parents thought MWC kids were thugs.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Mustang or Yukon would work with your kids and you commute. Yukon just opened this year a new High School that looks like College and Mustang is building schools everywhere it seems. West is not too bad of direction to go. If you don't like up close fireworks don't move to Mustang. The week before and 2 days after it's like a constant fire fight going on.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    I do the commute from the Yukon area to the capitol every day around 7 am. It takes me 21 minutes to go 19 miles.... It's really a breeze at 7 am and 4 pm Monday - Friday. The Yukon schools just dropped 60 million on a new high school. Great facilities.. It's a middle class town in the least.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Do not put your kids in Mustang Schools, unless you want them to be teen parents or addicted to meth. Sorry guys, this is just my opinion, nothing more or less. I have met a lot of former Mustang students, both at OU and while I was working, and literally NONE of them had anything nice to say about their former school.

    If you are going to live on that side of town, I would say Yukon is a much better decision.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Do not put your kids in Mustang Schools, unless you want them to be teen parents or addicted to meth. Sorry guys, this is just my opinion, nothing more or less. I have met a lot of former Mustang students, both at OU and while I was working, and literally NONE of them had anything nice to say about their former school.

    If you are going to live on that side of town, I would say Yukon is a much better decision.
    That is just a flat out ignorant statement. Like any big school there will be certain issues but I went to Mustang and was not addicted to meth or a teen parent. Mustang is a really big school (for Oklahoma) and of course there are things that go with that. I have a daughter and would have zero qualms about sending her to Mustang when she is old enough.

    P.S.- If you are worried about "big school" problems Yukon is not any "safer". I know just as many people who went to Yukon and ended up involved with drugs and teen parenting.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Do not put your kids in Mustang Schools, unless you want them to be teen parents or addicted to meth. Sorry guys, this is just my opinion, nothing more or less. I have met a lot of former Mustang students, both at OU and while I was working, and literally NONE of them had anything nice to say about their former school.

    If you are going to live on that side of town, I would say Yukon is a much better decision.
    My wife and I both graduated from Mustang. The biggest problem I see with the town and district is it's at this crossroads where it's still a small town, with the small town attitude, but at the same time seeing some growth and influx from outsiders. Coming into this town is hit or miss. Some people welcome you and others just stare at you like, you aren't from around here. Since I've graduated I now live on the East side of Mustang, but in Moore schools. I still do shopping in Mustang, but a lot more in West and South OKC than I did when I lived in town. From what I've seen a lot of the people I graduated with that are still around are all 'those' people in high school, if you know what I mean. Rather they are the entitled I'm rich because my daddy owns his own business, or those that had no ambition to do anything with their life. The main reason I am here is because I still work in town, and my family lives here. If not for working here I'd probably be close enough to be in Edmond schools, or in Edmond.

    My opinion is that Yukon is probably worse. Growing up in the area I had lots of Yukon friends, and the drugs and pregnancy were just as bad as Mustang, if not worse on the drugs end. That coupled with all the corruption the school district itself has had the last few years, I'd avoid it.

    I don't know much about Moore schools. My house is located in the South Lakes, Brink Jr, Westmoore district. A few of my neighbors that have kids said they really enjoy the schools. Actually all of them moved there thinking it was Mustang schools only to find out later it was Westmoore, but in the end said they had a great experience and didn't regret it at all. I'd bet that where I live, Southwest of Will Rogers, would suit the OP criteria for travel. I'm a straight shot to I44 or even Airport road, and doesn't take me anytime to get downtown.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Do not put your kids in Mustang Schools, unless you want them to be teen parents or addicted to meth. Sorry guys, this is just my opinion, nothing more or less. I have met a lot of former Mustang students, both at OU and while I was working, and literally NONE of them had anything nice to say about their former school.

    If you are going to live on that side of town, I would say Yukon is a much better decision.
    Oh for crying out loud.

    Mustang is exploding in growth - compared to even ten years ago it is huge. New businesses going in, new schools, new population of educated, hard working people. Check out the stats on how the schools are doing. My husband went tbrough Mustang schools and left after graduating, sick of a backwards little town. Twenty-five years later we moved back and live the area. I wouldn't heasitate to raise kids here and anytime you live in a small town you have to keep an eye on them. With greater freedom (which they have) you get a lot of risks but you also often end up with a kid who is smart, self sufficient and healthily tied into community.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    My wife and I both graduated from Mustang. The biggest problem I see with the town and district is it's at this crossroads where it's still a small town, with the small town attitude, but at the same time seeing some growth and influx from outsiders. Coming into this town is hit or miss. Some people welcome you and others just stare at you like, you aren't from around here. Since I've graduated I now live on the East side of Mustang, but in Moore schools. I still do shopping in Mustang, but a lot more in West and South OKC than I did when I lived in town. From what I've seen a lot of the people I graduated with that are still around are all 'those' people in high school, if you know what I mean. Rather they are the entitled I'm rich because my daddy owns his own business, or those that had no ambition to do anything with their life. The main reason I am here is because I still work in town, and my family lives here. If not for working here I'd probably be close enough to be in Edmond schools, or in Edmond.

    My opinion is that Yukon is probably worse. Growing up in the area I had lots of Yukon friends, and the drugs and pregnancy were just as bad as Mustang, if not worse on the drugs end. That coupled with all the corruption the school district itself has had the last few years, I'd avoid it.
    Thank you Zuplar. I appreciate the well thought out response.

    I will reiterate I am just expressing my opinion. That's it. But I am basing it based on several people I knew at OU who actually went through Mustang Schools for the majority of their lives and they all told me teen pregnancy and drug abuse were especially bad there.This was only 5 years ago FYI. I can't say I heard the same thing about Yukon but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen and I would take your word considering you grew up in that area. I think most parents in OK would faint at the amount of sex that goes on in school...doesn't this state rank #2 or #3 in teen births?

    Your description of the town seems to mirror theirs as well. IMO Mustang has more in common with a small town in rural OK than it does the larger suburbs of OKC. That is not always a bad thing and I imagine a lot of people probably prefer it for that reason compared to Edmond, Norman, etc.

    Again, not bashing the place. Met lots of good people from Mustang. Just giving my take based on my own ancedotal experiences.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    adaniel, your concerns are legitimate (as they would be with just about any school in OKC of comparable size). However, when you say don't send your kids to Mustang unless you want them to become addicted to Meth and pregnant it is hard to take that any other way than bashing.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    A lot of small towns have small town problems (meth and teen pregnancy). You get a different set of problems with urban schools. The thing I see in small towns are parents who are too trusting and let the kids run wild. If you keep an eye on your kids and get to know the families, a small town can put you well ahead of the game. I'd darn sure rather be faced with heightened risk of teen pregnancy (over which a family has far greater influence) than drive bys and other crime. Face it, that's why a lot of families stick to the suburbs - generally good schools, lower crime and lots of things to keep the kids busy.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Btw, relocating teenagers is always risky business. In addition to finding good schools, be sure to scope out activities they can get involved in that suit their interests. If there is a school that looks like a particularly good fit, a rougher commute might be worth it. Good luck!

  20. #20

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Thank you Zuplar. I appreciate the well thought out response.

    I will reiterate I am just expressing my opinion. That's it. But I am basing it based on several people I knew at OU who actually went through Mustang Schools for the majority of their lives and they all told me teen pregnancy and drug abuse were especially bad there.This was only 5 years ago FYI. I can't say I heard the same thing about Yukon but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen and I would take your word considering you grew up in that area. I think most parents in OK would faint at the amount of sex that goes on in school...doesn't this state rank #2 or #3 in teen births?

    Your description of the town seems to mirror theirs as well. IMO Mustang has more in common with a small town in rural OK than it does the larger suburbs of OKC. That is not always a bad thing and I imagine a lot of people probably prefer it for that reason compared to Edmond, Norman, etc.

    Again, not bashing the place. Met lots of good people from Mustang. Just giving my take based on my own ancedotal experiences.

    I have no doubt you heard that from people that went through school here. Because of Mustang's proximity it is an odd melting pot. You get those that think it's a small town, and hate that we are this close to city folk. All the while you get city folk who can't stand the small town backwards feel that sometimes resonates here. So there is this internal tug of war at the image, something I don't feel like you get in Edmond, Moore or Norman. Towns like that know they are suburbs of OKC.

    Like Penny said, Mustang is experiencing growth, which is going to start pushing that suburb mentality, sort of like it did for Yukon some years ago. But the good ole boy system is still extremely rampant here. My in-laws live in Pauls Valley and I see a lot of similarities between the 2 towns.

    At the end of the day I wouldn't be afraid to raise my children in any of the major suburb districts, Mustang, Moore, Yukon, Edmond or Norman. I'd only consider Putnam City if it was feeding into the North high school. I'd consider Carl Albert if I was on the East side, but would probably steer clear of the other Mid-Del Schools.

    I went to UCO for my undergrad, and we had a variety up there. Lots of Edmond kids naturally, but our fair share from the Moores, Norman, Yukon and Mustang. At the end of the day, I'd say we all had about the same experience in school, I think a lot of the difference in opinion comes from the town itself. Up until 5 years ago, if you wanted to do anything and lived in Mustang, you went to Yukon, which at the time I was in school didn't have much more, or some place like Norman or OKC. Since most kids aren't allowed to drive all that far when you are 16, kids get bored, and when they do get in trouble.

    With that being said, I think any of the major districts coupled with good parenting will do an adequate job.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    My wife and I both graduated from Mustang. The biggest problem I see with the town and district is it's at this crossroads where it's still a small town, with the small town attitude, but at the same time seeing some growth and influx from outsiders. Coming into this town is hit or miss. Some people welcome you and others just stare at you like, you aren't from around here. Since I've graduated I now live on the East side of Mustang, but in Moore schools. I still do shopping in Mustang, but a lot more in West and South OKC than I did when I lived in town. From what I've seen a lot of the people I graduated with that are still around are all 'those' people in high school, if you know what I mean. Rather they are the entitled I'm rich because my daddy owns his own business, or those that had no ambition to do anything with their life. The main reason I am here is because I still work in town, and my family lives here. If not for working here I'd probably be close enough to be in Edmond schools, or in Edmond.

    My opinion is that Yukon is probably worse. Growing up in the area I had lots of Yukon friends, and the drugs and pregnancy were just as bad as Mustang, if not worse on the drugs end. That coupled with all the corruption the school district itself has had the last few years, I'd avoid it.

    I don't know much about Moore schools. My house is located in the South Lakes, Brink Jr, Westmoore district. A few of my neighbors that have kids said they really enjoy the schools. Actually all of them moved there thinking it was Mustang schools only to find out later it was Westmoore, but in the end said they had a great experience and didn't regret it at all. I'd bet that where I live, Southwest of Will Rogers, would suit the OP criteria for travel. I'm a straight shot to I44 or even Airport road, and doesn't take me anytime to get downtown.
    Not sure I'd call an FFA teacher charging more for a pig is crucifixious, but the administration trying to hide it from Randy Wright was. With this, at least it was exposed and taken care of. The problem with Mustang schools is a lot of students are coming from the large apartment complexes just South of I-40. This element will not change, which would cause me to avoid Mustang Schools, but if it did, there would be no problem with the Mustang School system.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Mustang is gross. Lots of meth, teen moms, and oilfield trash.

    We personally chose to stay away from west okc after spending a couple of days driving around looking for homes.

    It's just a weird side of town.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    The first two years I taught middle school I loved it. Fun kids, never worried about safety - just what I hoped/expected. The brattiest kid I had out of about 150 was this kiddo who actually put a tack in my chair and thought he was bad. So did his parents when they learned if it.

    Over the summer between my second and third year, an apartment complex closed in another district and a lot of new kids moved to ours. Literally overnight, the whole thing went to hell. A long time popular teacher was assaulted in the hall, fights were breaking out, thefts and vandalism went through the roof and I even had a kid grab me in the hall. Several students (some old, some new) started taking up most of the time in class because they were picking up on the thug mentality and more interested in disrupting than learning. Borderline kids who had previously toed the line dove into the new normal with enthusuasm. Security began having a much higher profile and the drug dog started hanging out in the hall. One afternoon, I started locking my door during class for safety reasons. Didn't know what was going to come through the door. After about half a week of locking the door for safety reasons, the craziness of that mindset struck me. Within the week, the decision to get out of teaching was made. There's good schools and there's zoos. You want your kids in a place that is safe, where the good kids aren't under seige and where they have a chance to learn.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Personal experience in mustang. Old college friend bought a nice house of cemetery rd. They had a house warming party and during the middle of it huge black clouds started coming from the neighbors yard - which was a delapidated mobile home. His neighbor was high on meth and set a fire to 'get rid of leaves', it got out of control and he was out there trying to put it out with a water hose.

    All within city limits and under a burn ban.

    My friend no longer lives in mustang after 2 years of escalating events.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Best Public School District to raise two teenagers

    Husband's family had kids, grand kids and great grand kids go through Mustang. Most still live there or nearby. With one or two minor exceptions, they've done well. Check out the average salary and education level and it stands up very well. The friend who moved next to a dilapidated mobile home, candidly, was set up for problems. I'd be more pursuaded if he was living next to a nice house.

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