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Thread: Motherhood & Ancestry

  1. #1

    Default Motherhood & Ancestry

    Here's something I got from Ancestry.com this morning, on some of the Mothers in my Family Tree...

    Your story begins with the stories of your mothers. Explore motherhood in your tree and learn something surprising about yourself...

    You'd be Dennis Beatley, not Dennis Heaton if the mothers had passed down the family name.

    Martha Alexandria Craig...Your mother was born Feb 3, 1930 (84 years ago). Became a Mom January 25, 1950. She brought you and your sibling into the world.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	mom.JPG 
Views:	114 
Size:	1.17 MB 
ID:	7797

    Your grandmother, Martha Pierce, was born Jul 1, 1900 (113 years ago). She brought 5 children into the world.

    Sarah, your great-grandmother, was 13 when her first child was born, making her the youngest mom in your tree.

    Lettie Hanlon, your great-grandmother was born May 10, 1872 (142 years ago). She brought 13 children into the world.

    Sarah Taylor Beatley, your 2nd great-grandmother was born Mar 6, 1838 (176 years ago). She brought 7 children into the world.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Motherhood & Ancestry

    Friends, this has nothing to do with ancestry, but today as we all know is Mother's day. My mother is gone and my love, Dianna is gone but I felt like I should tell you a story about what is happening on my porch. One of God's creatures, a bird has built a nest less than six feet from me and my computer. She has laid her eggs and has been spending most of her time on the eggs in anticipation of becoming a mother. I want to wish all of our members that are mothers a happy mother's day, but also be thankful for all of God's creatures and especially the future mothers. I'm not a bird lover, but this has been a nice experience watching the beginning of life and how dedicated this future mother has been.
    C. T.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Motherhood & Ancestry

    To CT: Without getting all "religious" and whatnot . . . I think there is a verse, in a very old book, sort of an Owner's Manual, that begins with something like, "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God . . . " Sometimes, it doesn't require the Heavens to declare anything at all. Sometimes, all it takes is the still, small voice of a little bird to remind us of a very important connection. (of course, that is simply my own opinion).

    Thank you for the reminder.

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