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Thread: Band practice in a storage unit?

  1. #1

    Default Band practice in a storage unit?

    Hey guys,

    My band is looking for a place to practice but no luck. We're a three piece and can't justify getting a $250 room at a place like Downtown Music Box or wherever if we're only using it two days out of the week.

    I had remembered many years ago bands I am friends with renting out a climate controlled storage unit and using that as a practice space. I talked with a friend about it and she said she knows a few people that do it but to check with the company about any noise.

    So my question is who would allow this? I looked at some of the prices and they're much more reasonable than a music studio. I'm not even sure how I would approach these places with the question.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Band practice in a storage unit?

    It cant hurt to call around and see who would allow this. Many moons ago we just to practice in a storage unit up in Edmond that was on the east side of Broadway south of 33rd. We were eventually signed by an agent toured the globe several times, sold millions of records, had countless Japanese groupies and were bigger than Led Zeppelin.{jk of course}

  3. #3

    Default Re: Band practice in a storage unit?

    The good news is that a lot of storage facilities are not near residential neighborhoods and thus you'd get few complaints.

    I know the noise ordinances apply everywhere, but the City generally only responds to citizen complaints.

    Good luck and let us know what you find out.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Band practice in a storage unit?

    I used to work with a band that rented a small space in an industrial park. We covered the walls with moving pads to help knock down the noise and they'd practice at night when the other shops were closed down. They shared the space with another band to help with the costs.

  5. Default Re: Band practice in a storage unit?

    In Austin there is actually at least one place that exists strictly as a band practice facility, renting spaces just like storage units.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Band practice in a storage unit?

    So are "storage unit bands" going to replace garage bands?

    Good luck - hope you find a place.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Band practice in a storage unit?

    This thread makes me smile. My middle child, now mid 20's convinced me when he was barely driving age to let him and friends go into OKC for a battle of bands type concert at a new venue.
    I don't recall the name exactly, but once I got to checking up on it, it wouldn't be unfair to call it Studio 43, (Studio being a fancy word for SU, aka Storage Unit)

    Wasn't ticked, but we did have a talk about being a bit more up front with Poppa for future trips

  8. #8

    Default Re: Band practice in a storage unit?

    I did not know storage units had electricity outlets. I thought they did away with those, because people were plugging in their refrigerators and freezers, etc.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Band practice in a storage unit?

    Tons of empty spaces at the farmers market that you can rent out.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Band practice in a storage unit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Klop View Post
    I did not know storage units had electricity outlets. I thought they did away with those, because people were plugging in their refrigerators and freezers, etc.
    Depends on the facility. Some are bare bones, others have some skin and muscle.

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