KFOR released the previously unseen dash cam video from an OHP unit involved in the controversial arrest of 64-year-old Pearl Pearson on Jan. 3rd.
EXCLUSIVE: Troopers accused of beating deaf man; watch exclusive video that reveals the truth
Unlike the recently discussed controversial video of the arrest and death of a man at a Moore movie Theater, I don't see anything that supports the DA's conclusion the troopers used "a great deal of restraint."(Well, I guess since they didn't kill him, that counts as restraint with our DA)
I'm not saying the video shows the actions of the officers were criminal - I'm just saying the video doesn't show enough to draw a conclusion either way. Certainly not enough to basically be patting the OHP officers on the back.
So unclear is the video (in my eyes) that I'm not even willing to give the officers the benefit of the doubt.
Others may see it differently.