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View Poll Results: Have you ever dumped someone and why? More than one answer is ok.

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  • No.

    1 14.29%
  • Yes, we argued too much.

    3 42.86%
  • Yes, I was required to give in too much.

    2 28.57%
  • Yes, no longer attracted, lost interest, grossed me out.

    5 71.43%
  • Yes, because he/she cheated.

    0 0%
  • Yes, I found someone better.

    1 14.29%
Multiple Choice Poll.
Results 1 to 2 of 2

Thread: POLL: Ever Dumped Someone, Why?

  1. #1

    Default POLL: Ever Dumped Someone, Why?

    OK, thought I'd create a little poll. So many of us have been the dumpees....haven't heard much from the dumpers.

  2. Default Re: POLL: Ever Dumped Someone, Why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Leon
    OK, thought I'd create a little poll. So many of us have been the dumpees....haven't heard much from the dumpers.
    I did twice.

    The first one was whe I was in my early twenties. I had been dating a girl for about a year, and we were suppose to get married. She talked me into letting a friend of hers live with me (big mistake, but what fabulous sex) because she did not have a place to stay. Then, another girl after me on the rebound. I was confused and during an argument told her to get out of my life. I did not realize what I had done for a couple of weeks. I could never get her to accept my appology.

    I would never do that again.

    Number two. I had been dating a woman for two or three months, and met her kids. Her son is probably sharing a cell with his dad, and her daughter is probably working a corner. Since I could not control the kids, I left. Plus, she would not even try and improve her life.

    When I saw her again, she said she had thought about when I left, and had started Nursing school and had started getting the kids therapy. Maybe she learned.

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