Originally Posted by
Sid Burgess
The struggle with this topic is the site is mostly focused about opinion discussions. So there is going to be vast differences of opinions. Take Garin's appeal for InfoWars stories. The guy gets likes sometimes...
My suggestion for OkCTalk is if it wants to become more of a repository for information and not opinions, it is going to have to embrace the wiki approach.
Pete is moving that direction but I honestly have less and less faith that it will get traction. Not because of anything that Pete is doing or won't do but because forums, and especially vBulletin are jus not designed for that use case. So they roll out tools to try to mitigate that fact but they never really get traction. They are poor implementations. vBullettin doesn't want to get into the Wiki business. It wants to be in the Forum business.
I suggest OKCTalk stand up a LocalWiki instance and leave OKCTalk as a forum and a forum alone. Use a wikiplatform and co-brand them and link them up in the header and let folks use the one they want to use. I'd use and contribute to a wiki site much more frequently, personally. I think forums aren't good repositories for information we want to keep as a makeshift community record.
So I don't think the issue is about moderation. Pete is right, we've got a great track record here. Why we are embarrassed at times is because we know we are putting out and assembling great data and we don't want people to have to read the trolls. Because currently we know they have to.
Have you read the discussion pages in Wikipedia? Dissension and disagreement is everywhere. We just mix it in with our useful information. And vBulletin and other forum platforms will always have that fundamental weakness. They architect it that way because it promotes more discussion and that's the business they are in. Not the record and information assembly business.