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Ok, I just have to respond to this since I have been happily married for 24 years. Here are a few ideas that I have to make my wife feel special (because she is).
1) Just last week, while she was at work in Moore, I was out mowing some property about two miles from where she worked. I got finished mowing before she got off work, so I drove by her store and wrote a note (nothing fancy) to her, telling her how much I loved her and thought about her that day. I couldn't put it in her car because I forgot my key, so I taped it to the drivers side door.
2) Last Saturday, she had to work late, and we had not gone grocery shopping yet, so I drove to Moore, and was at her store by the time she got off work. She hopped in my truck, and we drove to Norman for dinner and good conversation.
3) I very seldom get her cards because I like to give personalized notes to her. Even though cards have nice sayings in them, nothing takes the place of a personal note.
4) She loves Sonic Blasts (so do I), so when I am on my way home, I sporadically will pick us up Sonic Blasts to have later after we have dinner.
5) I don't do jewelry and I don't do flowers (she doesn't care for flowers), so I am always doing something unusual to surprise her. One day I picked up some balloons and a basket with some goodies and a stuffed animal in it, and delivered it to her myself.....in a suit and tie. At the time, she worked at Target in SW OKC, and her co-workers were shocked, yet envious, because she received something and there wasn't a special occasion.
6) She may not realize it, but many times when she is talking to a friend face to face, I will listen attentively to what she is saying and she doesn't even know it. That's how I get some of my ideas...just listening to her when she doesn't know it.
7) Don't get me wrong....I do make my share of mistakes, however, I have learned time and time again from those mistakes.
Guys, remember, she wants to feel needed, loved (not just sex), appreciated, and pampered. If you do nice off the wall things for her, she will notice, and you will be amazed at how much your friendship and romance will grow.