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Thread: What news station do you watch and why?

  1. #1

    Default What news station do you watch and why?

    Though it would be interesting to get everyone's views on what they watch and why. However, some may not watch the news!

    I watch Channel 4, moved here in 2003 from Indianapolis and started watching it and have never changed. Ogle, Linda, Meg and Lance are all pretty good IMO.

  2. #2

    Default Re: What news station do you watch and why?

    Anything but KOCO (get a snobby vibe from Jessica Schambach) and FOX (lighting so horrible every newscaster has a milk mustache). For a very long time, I've been a fan of KFOR, but News9 has really stepped their game up!

  3. #3

    Default Re: What news station do you watch and why?

    Local news and weather is 9 more often than not. I find myself watching less now. Gary was a touch quirky at times, but preferred him to others.

    DVR lets one get through the newsy commercials that interrupt the 10 pm car sale show fairly rapidly, as well as the Car Sale show itself.
    Once you get a bit acquainted with a pair of talking heads, you can just tell when it's ok to blast forward through 30+ secs of drivel that is simple filler when one of the Car Sale Shows is running short.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What news station do you watch and why?

    I get most of my news coverage from the BBC via the web -- much more objective than any US-based media (and my degree is in journalism, no less)...

  5. #5

    Default Re: What news station do you watch and why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    I get most of my news coverage from the BBC via the web -- much more objective than any US-based media (and my degree is in journalism, no less)...
    Didn't you used to work in the business? Did you find that your viewing habits changed when you got out? I'm asking because I used to work at one of the local stations for a couple of decades and would watch the 10pm news religiously. After I got out...eh...now I only flip it on in the mornings to see what the weather is going to be that day. The rest of my news I get online.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What news station do you watch and why?

    Actually I only watched TV news to see whether they used any of my film, back when I was stringing for Channel 4 in the mid-50s. Never paid much attention to the tube after I left the news business; of course I did watch important events such as November 63, the moon landing, and such, but I knew too much about the "if it bleeds, it leads" philosophy to have any interest in day-to-day "news" happenings... Even now, I usually scan the headlines, and pick out things that look unusual rather than the "big" stories of the day...

  7. #7

    Default Re: What news station do you watch and why?

    On the rare occasions that I watch the Local News, I watch the show with the Ogle.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What news station do you watch and why?

    Channel four, Emily Sutton. Enuf said.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What news station do you watch and why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    Channel four, Emily Sutton. Enuf said.
    What Stew said

    She is just so good at forecasting

  10. #10

    Default Re: What news station do you watch and why?

    I like the way that the Ogle puts in his "Two-Cents" then encourages people to Rant.
    THAT, my friends, is Real TV Newzertainment!

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