RDR: Did "Tall Blond" aliens abduct local college student at Arcadia Lake?
EDMOND, Okla. – There has been growing interest in an alleged UFO/alien encounter out at Arcadia Lake, on Edmond’s far east side, involving a fraternity brother, presumably from University of Central Oklahoma.
Did this still unidentified young man really see a UFO in and above the lake in late August? And did three “Tall Blond” or “Nordic” aliens – two females and a male - approach this person asking for his help?
At this point we are still unsure of what really happened or whether or not this is really true. You can read our original post on this case – “Close encounter of the frat kind?” – to learn more about the case.
In the meantime, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) has taken an interest in the Arcadia Lake case and in our communications with Roger Marsh, MUFON Director of Public Relations, we learn that a second case has been filed having taken place at the same time at Arcadia Lake and disturbing coincides with the other report from the college student.
In the early morning hours of Saturday, August 24, 2013, the eyewitness stated they were fishing for catfish in Arcadia Lake. The person, also unidentified, stated that they had noticed people at a campsite on the shoreline, where the original eyewitness – the “frat brother” – was said to have been.
“A giant bright and glowing light appeared under the lakes surface,” they reported. “It was fairly large and had a light green color to it with a rhythmic flashing of red and blue lights.”
The light went from one side of Arcadia Lake to the other before shooting up in the sky and then “reappeared hovering right over the campsite that I mentioned earlier and disappeared again.”
The light would reappear and then disappear for good. The fisherman states that he went to investigate the scene of the sighting and noted the truck and bags of trash, as the frat brother had noted in his report, but the fisherman said he “did not see any one by the truck or in the immediate area.”
Is this case a hoax? We are so far not sure. We have contacted UCO spokesperson Adrienne Nobles, seeking information on whether any fraternities were holding an event out at Arcadia Lake on the night in question.
Nobles, in an email, wrote: “(T)here was no event registered with their (Fraternity and Sorority) office on Saturday, August 24 … (t)hey also have not heard anything from any of their organizations about a non-registered event on that weekend.”
We also spoke at length with Rick Gardner, Oklahoma MUFON’s lead investigator. Gardner said he has attempted – without much success – to follow up on the Arcadia Lake reports by emailing the fisherman and fraternity brother – both of whom gave curiously matching reports.
Meanwhile, Red Dirt Report went out to the north side of Arcadia Lake, accessible to Route 66, and talked to Rex DeMoss, an officer with the Edmond Police Department’s Arcadia Lake office.
DeMoss said he was unaware of anything unusual having happened at the lake recently and was unfamiliar with the strange report relayed by the frat brother and the fisherman. He said that if he did hear anything he would let us know.
Taking a look at the Arcadia Lake shoreline at Edmond Park, it was clearly a well-used campsite. Grills had been recently used. Beer cans were crushed and scattered about. Clearly lakeside parties take place here. And for a Wednesday afternoon things were pretty quiet on a blue-sky, Oklahoma day. Nearby, a recreation building used by UCO sat empty.
So, was this the site where the incident took place?
And over at the nearby Arcadia Lake Project Office, we spoke with Nicole Offutt about the UFO/alien encounter Red Dirt Report was investigating. Offutt chuckled and said she had not heard anything about such a thing happening at the lake, but said if she did, she too would let us know.
Coincidentally, Linda Moulton Howe, reporter and editor of Earthfiles.com, a little over a week after the fisherman and frat brother sighting, reported in great detail on these same “Tall Blond,” “Nordic” aliens.
She shares an interview with a man named “Tyler Jones” who is from Gadsden, Alabama and had witnessed the aftermath of cattle mutilations on his family farm. He later noted an abduction he and his brother experienced on this same farm in Alabama where the cattle mutilations had taken place 20 years earlier.
During Tyler’s alleged abduction, in the classic sense he finds himself on an examination table and begins to scream in terror. But then an entity touches his forehead and calms him down. When he described the entity, he told Howe: “I guess you would say he was like a Swedish person would look like – blond hair, bluish eyes. He was around 7-feet tall. Sharp, square jaws. Lips just like ours. His head was a little larger in the back than ours would be. His hair was perfectly straight down to his shoulders. – very blond, almost white. The skin was pale – glowing.”
That description is very similar to the one the fraternity brother reported, saying that they had “blonde hair that was almost white and blue eyes.” Was this young man at Arcadia Lake abducted and missing when the fisherman came by his truck to see if anyone was around?
We hope to have more on this story in coming days.