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Thread: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

  1. Default The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

  2. #2

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    It's going to be a great year. Every Defensive line coach that plays A&M is going to be telling their guys. "Hit him, Hit Him Hard." If he survives this season without a major injury it will be a miracle.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    haters in the house

    if he was at OU/OSU you'd love him

  4. #4

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    haters in the house

    if he was at OU/OSU you'd love him
    Not at all.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    No....the GIF I want to see is one of his offensive linemen letting a defensive player through to lay him tha frick out!

  6. #6

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    What would be the upside to that? Seems to be a classic reaction of cutting ones nose off to spite the face. Jeopardize a bcs bid and your own players health?

  7. Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    I didn't realize I needed a Johnny Manziel gif?

  8. #8

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    haters in the house

    if he was at OU/OSU you'd love him
    If he was at OSU, I'd want him kicked off the team.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Easy to say. There is a deliberate hate filled conspiracy towards Manziel fueled by ESPN. You only had to listen to the commentators during the 4th quarter of the game Saturday to listen to how ridiculous it is. Spewing absolute non-truths are what was essentially libel towards a young man who yeah, hasn't made some good choices, but not a second coming of Aaron Hernandez. Making assumptions like "he just flat out ignored Kevin Sumlin as he tried to discipline him on the sideline," when in fact Sumlin himself said in a press conference:

    "When he came off the field, basically I made two statements to him, neither one of which should he have responded to," Sumlin said. "They weren't questions. They were direct statements that I can't repeat right now. So what's amazing to me is the perception that he ignored me. The worst thing that could have happened was for him to reply, based on what I told him."
    Check it out sometime The Johnny We Know

  10. #10

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    I honestly would rather have a good quality person that has a little maturity lead my team than a douchebag like Manziel. He's a huge prick who has a giant ego and I can't wait to see him fail in the NFL.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    He's a huge prick? You met him? He sleep with your girlfriend? You seem to be pretty wound up over him.

    I won't win this battle in Big 12 country. The only places in the US that hate the kid are Big 12 states and areas around Bristol, CT. Everyone else can see that it's a witchhunt.

    Enjoy the the USMNT game tonight, we're not going to agree on this.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    He's a huge prick? You met him? He sleep with your girlfriend? You seem to be pretty wound up over him.

    I won't win this battle in Big 12 country. The only places in the US that hate the kid are Big 12 states and areas around Bristol, CT. Everyone else can see that it's a witchhunt.

    Enjoy the the USMNT game tonight, we're not going to agree on this.
    You can tell by the way he carries himself and his actions. Don't act like you didn't see what he did in the game Saturday acting like a child, telling opponents he wouldn't give them autographs. Give me a break. No one likes the guy except for A&M fans.

  13. #13

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Do you like Russell Westbrook?

  14. #14

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Do you like Russell Westbrook?
    Are you in some way trying to compare the two?

  15. #15

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Easy to say. There is a deliberate hate filled conspiracy towards Manziel fueled by ESPN. You only had to listen to the commentators during the 4th quarter of the game Saturday to listen to how ridiculous it is. Spewing absolute non-truths are what was essentially libel towards a young man who yeah, hasn't made some good choices, but not a second coming of Aaron Hernandez. Making assumptions like "he just flat out ignored Kevin Sumlin as he tried to discipline him on the sideline," when in fact Sumlin himself said in a press conference:

    Check it out sometime The Johnny We Know
    I really couldn't care less about the kid, but to insinuate that ESPN has a conspiracy against any team in the SEC is ridiculous. ESPN owns the SEC Network. What's good for/provides press for the SEC is good for ESPN.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    I'm at least trying to shoot a hole in your holier than thou stance.

    Good luck finding a soul outside of OKC that cares for Russ.

    I love Russ. I'm sure he's a great person. He does charitable work, but how much of that is team mandated?

    I'm not saying Manziel isn't spoiled or doesn't have crappy parents, but sounds to me like you're taking ESPN's bait and running with it.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    ESPN is guilty of is pumping the kid up during the Heisman Race, using its platform to push aside far more qualified players, only to now tear him down when he wasn't the Eagle Scout that they though he was. That doesn't let him off the hook, though. He is certainly giving them ammunition, and its obvious he thinks this is just a cute game where he can toy with his "haters." Unfortunately for him, the NFL post-Aaron Hernandez looks very harshly at off-the-field antics.

    This whole charade ensures that there will never be another freshman Heisman winner.

  18. #18

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    I'm at least trying to shoot a hole in your holier than thou stance.

    Good luck finding a soul outside of OKC that cares for Russ.

    I love Russ. I'm sure he's a great person. He does charitable work, but how much of that is team mandated?

    I'm not saying Manziel isn't spoiled or doesn't have crappy parents, but sounds to me like you're taking ESPN's bait and running with it.
    Lol... Actually it sounds like you don't really know much about Manziel... Sorry, but you are on the wrong side of this argument.

    If it was just about on-field tenacity and attitude... that's one thing... that's the RW situation. But, johnny football and his dooshbaggery go WAY WAY beyond that. Horrible comparison.

  19. #19

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    I'm at least trying to shoot a hole in your holier than thou stance.

    Good luck finding a soul outside of OKC that cares for Russ.

    I love Russ. I'm sure he's a great person. He does charitable work, but how much of that is team mandated?

    I'm not saying Manziel isn't spoiled or doesn't have crappy parents, but sounds to me like you're taking ESPN's bait and running with it.
    I have taken zero bait from ESPN. I don't even have cable and probably haven't watched ESPN in a year. Everything I've seen(games)/read/heard about him is that he is a giant tool. Russ has a shining record when it comes to off-court behavior. The comparison is just invalid.

  20. #20

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Again, I don't expect to win this argument over OSU and OU fans (who are probably still in shell shock over the Cotton Bowl). WichitaSooner I guess I'm to take you up that you're the authority on Manziel?

    We can discuss it over a beer at the OKC Talk event, as this medium won't really do a good conversation justice. I'm just curious what on-field acts you've seen from him that allow you to characterize him as a giant tool. Looking at college football across the country you can classify all the D-I athletes tools then. They all act a fool. Russ acts a fool on the court, that's where I was going with that.

    You can choose to believe Manziel is only the spoiled brat you hear about in the media. I'm not disputing that he's that way at times, but don't ignore that the kid has taken personal time to tend to matters outside of the game and outside of his own partying interest.

  21. #21

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    haters in the house

    if he was at OU/OSU you'd love him
    IF he were at OU, Stoops wouldn't have put up with his crap.

  22. #22

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    I'm not saying Manziel isn't spoiled or doesn't have crappy parents, but sounds to me like you're taking ESPN's bait and running with it.
    That presupposes people are watching ESPN as much as you apparently are. Didn't have to watch ESPN to catch the lowlight of him acting like a moron when drawing the conduct penalty last week.

    That he's an inveterate moron is, by now, pretty much a given in the rest of the CFB world. I think you're the latecomer to the crowd. But, hey, if defending him floats your boat, that's cool. Everyone needs a hobby.

  23. #23

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    IF he were at OU, Stoops wouldn't have put up with his crap.
    Exactly, Stoops would release him just like Stoops released Rhett Bomar

  24. #24

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    Well it's been fun boys! I'll just keep my A&M opinions to myself from now on, but I'll leave you guys with Johnny's Halloween costume for this year

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	16gD93H.jpg 
Views:	163 
Size:	22.8 KB 
ID:	4359

    Have a good weekend everyone!

  25. #25

    Default Re: The only Johnny Manziel gif you'll ever need...

    I love how OU/OSU fans hate him so much. The butthurt is strong with all of you. I especially love the hate from the OU fans. I guess I would hate someone too if they ripped my team with 516 yards of offense by himself and made the Sooners his personal bitch.

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