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Thread: Star Trek into Darkness

  1. Default Star Trek into Darkness

    We got to see a screening of this movie Wednesday night. It was really good. It is always so much fun to have a free movie night. If you are a Star Trek fan, you will love it.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Star Trek into Darkness

    I'll second that, SQ!!

    I saw STID last night at the Warren IMAX in Moore, and I was BLOWN AWAY. I actually thought it was much better constructed than the '09 reboot movie. This was an awesome ride that was just the proper balance of roller coaster action and good character development. I LOVED how they put the story together.

    Cannot wait to see it again.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Star Trek into Darkness

    It was really enjoyable. When it was winding down, I couldn't believe that it was given how fast everything had been going.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Star Trek into Darkness

    Pretty amazing movie. Not a big Star Trek fan, but have really enjoyed the new series of movies so far. I liked the old ones( grew up with them), but these,far and away, have better acting, character development and scripts.

  5. Default Re: Star Trek into Darkness

    Definitely agreed. Growing up I was firmly in the Star Wars camp and didn't much care for Star Trek. This new one was pretty freaking awesome and fixes a lot of what I didn't like about the older series.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Star Trek into Darkness

    Saw it yesterday at Quail, and yes, very fast moving and enjoyable. Cumberbatch makes a very menacing villian.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Star Trek into Darkness

    I finally watched this last night and I loved it..... I'll be watching it again soon.

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