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Thread: Where are the people?

  1. #1

    Default Where are the people?

    A humorous post from a visitor to OKC:

    Welcome to Zombie City, America | Memoirs of an Adventurer

    She definitely has a point.

    In OKC's defense, though, she landed right in the CBD on a Saturday afternoon. I think that many cities' downtown business areas are going to be pretty dead on a weekend afternoon, barring some kind of outdoor event being held. If she had walked a short distance over to Bricktown, it would have been an entirely different story.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Where are the people?

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    A humorous post from a visitor to OKC:

    Welcome to Zombie City, America | Memoirs of an Adventurer

    She definitely has a point.

    In OKC's defense, though, she landed right in the CBD on a Saturday afternoon. I think that many cities' downtown business areas are going to be pretty dead on a weekend afternoon, barring some kind of outdoor event being held. If she had walked a short distance over to Bricktown, it would have been an entirely different story.
    I can't read that link at work because of the filter... but I think it's pretty funny like you said. My folks and I went to the Bedlam baseball game in Bricktown on Saturday and when we walked out of the ballpark, it was ridiculously bustling and full of energy. My parents even commented about how great it was to see so much activity and excitement going on.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Where are the people?

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    A humorous post from a visitor to OKC:

    Welcome to Zombie City, America | Memoirs of an Adventurer

    She definitely has a point.

    In OKC's defense, though, she landed right in the CBD on a Saturday afternoon. I think that many cities' downtown business areas are going to be pretty dead on a weekend afternoon, barring some kind of outdoor event being held. If she had walked a short distance over to Bricktown, it would have been an entirely different story.
    OKC's CBD is in fact very dead compared to similar sized and slightly larger cities during non-business hours. That is because the downtown entertainment district is in Bricktown rather than the CBD like it is in many cities. In Charlotte, their "bricktown" is at street level in the CBD with offices or condos towering above. Its also like that in Louisville and in Memphis. If people don't realize this, it can leave a very bad impression of OKC. The only way this is going to change is to get more residential in the heart of the CBD, which will in turn make businesses open nights and weekends viable which will in turn draw people from the surrounding areas and suburbs, making the CBD more lively. Personally I don't think its a huge issue as there are plenty of up and coming, active districts surrounding the CBD.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where are the people?

    First, who stops in a downtown district to use the bathroom? And we have a mall in DT? Um, ok....

    With that being said, all the districts surrounding the CBD are hopping, but the CBD can be a bit sleepy. Its not that it can't be done, though. The bars at Flint and Vast are usually very busy, Kitchen 324 is a smashing success, and the area around the Myriad Gardens has consistent crowds now that is has finally warmed up.

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    OKC's CBD is in fact very dead compared to similar sized and slightly larger cities during non-business hours. That is because the downtown entertainment district is in Bricktown rather than the CBD like it is in many cities. In Charlotte, their "bricktown" is at street level in the CBD with offices or condos towering above. Its also like that in Louisville and in Memphis. If people don't realize this, it can leave a very bad impression of OKC. The only way this is going to change is to get more residential in the heart of the CBD, which will in turn make businesses open nights and weekends viable which will in turn draw people from the surrounding areas and suburbs, making the CBD more lively.
    I can't speak for Charlotte or Louisville, but what you said for Memphis is not entirely accurate. The Beale/Peabody Street areas are always busy, and the immediate riverfront area is usually pretty humming as well. But the actual CBD area, largely north of Beale Street, is usually pretty empty on the weekends.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where are the people?

    What does she mean, no people? There's clearly a gawker in an SUV right behind her.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Where are the people?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    ... The only way this is going to change is to get more residential in the heart of the CBD, which will in turn make businesses open nights and weekends viable which will in turn draw people from the surrounding areas and suburbs, making the CBD more lively....
    The Century Center renovation should help this situation out a bit (hopefully).

  7. #7

    Default Re: Where are the people?

    I commented on her blog and told her there is no mall in our downtown and that next time they should use Google Maps on their cell phones to find the action.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Where are the people?

    She is cute.

  9. Default Re: Where are the people?

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    First, who stops in a downtown district to use the bathroom? And we have a mall in DT? Um, ok....

    With that being said, all the districts surrounding the CBD are hopping, but the CBD can be a bit sleepy. Its not that it can't be done, though. The bars at Flint and Vast are usually very busy, Kitchen 324 is a smashing success, and the area around the Myriad Gardens has consistent crowds now that is has finally warmed up.

    I can't speak for Charlotte or Louisville, but what you said for Memphis is not entirely accurate. The Beale/Peabody Street areas are always busy, and the immediate riverfront area is usually pretty humming as well. But the actual CBD area, largely north of Beale Street, is usually pretty empty on the weekends.
    I was going to write the exact same thing about Memphis. Add New Orleans to that as well.

    Most cities' CBDs are dead during non business hours. New York's Wall Street is dead/zombie looking as well during non-business hours, save the lone food truck and bums.

    But I think her story was more fun in cheek as Im sure they must have seen cars driving two and from the other downtown districts, particularly since others here said there was a lot going on in B-Town. Also, she had a pic of the "Oklahoma" mural, which isn't that in Bricktown? Again, I think her write-up was more for fun than an actual account of the city. :0
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Where are the people?

    [QUOTE=adaniel;644718]First, who stops in a downtown district to use the bathroom? And we have a mall in DT? Um, ok....QUOTE].

    This plus. . .also just not seeing how they "wandered" that far into the CBD from the Interstate/highway without seeing someplace to stop. Dumb and dumber??

  11. #11

    Default Re: Where are the people?

    Quote Originally Posted by foodiefan View Post

    Please young lady, if you're reading this thread, don't for a second think that foodiefan represents how we think of you.
    Well. OK, Sid. . .called out. Perhaps that was a little strong. However, a couple of thoughts. . .before I posted, I read her blog. . .every post. . .and yes, it's cute, albiet a bit naive, but she is very young. I applaud her adventurous spirit and wish her fun and learning on her trip to Morocco. I can only hope she is more respectful there than they apparently were (not) at the Grand Canyon. . . (from her blog. . . "Most Badass Thing We Did: Without a doubt, climbing down a rock face and then standing on this small ledge with epic views of the Grand Canyon". . . check the photo. . .that little "bada@@ thing" could have easily turned tragic, not to mention that it is not ecologically smart. The post on OKC was the only one that, from my reading, had no "redeeming feature". . . Chicago started that way, but she came 'round. I take exceptional umbrage at her describing all of OKC as ". . .And you truly know that a city is boring you when you find yourself climbing the fire escapes to pass the time, because you have nothing better to do. And as far as stopping at the "Hilton", I do believe they were at Skirvin. . .and if she was really serious about finding a restroom, she would have found one there (and perhaps a ghost or two??!!), wedding party aside (and if she/they really had to go, I doubt a wedding party would have stopped them). . .and some pretty incredible history about OKC to boot. And. . .as another poster pointed out, the mural is on the west edge of Bricktown (you can see the rail cars on the tracks), so they were within spitting distance of Bricktown. IMHO, the "Zombie" thing popped into her brain and she used that as a focus/'shtick" for her post. It disturbs me that anyone who happens across her blog is left with a erroneous impression of our City because she couldn't be bothered to wander a few blocks down the street. As a travel blogger, I think she has a lot to learn. . .and some homework to do. I do hope she comes back. . .and someone takes her on a "tour". . . I think she owes "us" an apology.

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