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Thread: Interested in Foster Parenting?

  1. #1

    Default Interested in Foster Parenting?

    Hey all-

    Wasn't sure if it would be appropriate for this forum, but seeing as we're on a very limited advertising budget, I thought I'd throw myself at the mercy of OKCTalk to help spread the word!

    I work for a local counseling agency here in OKC, and we were recently awarded a contract to recruit and develop foster homes in McClain and Garvin Counties (part of OKDHS' new Pinnacle Plan). We have up to 88 children that need a foster home, and we hope to have developed homes for all 88 before June. If any of you out there live in either McClain or Garvin Counties and would consider becoming a foster parent, shoot me an e-mail at mrwesley@access2counseling.com.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Interested in Foster Parenting?

    Thanks for posting. A lot of people in this country are convinced that the biggest problem children with poor/dysfunctional/abusive parents face are that no one will adopt them. I haven't found that to be the case, at all. With social service safety nets, broken families, substance abuse and widespread, cultural acceptance of single parenthood and abortion on demand, what we NEED, are foster parents to step in and provide stability to the children adversely affected by all that. Sadly, very few children are legally eligible to be adopted but countless numbers are trapped in the foster care system and need homes - even temporary homes.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Interested in Foster Parenting?

    We've never been foster parents, but pre-marriage my lovely worked for a nfp youth services agency as a secretary. Not so long after we were married, we were recruited as temporary shelter houseparents for her former agency. This evolved to full-time for a while and then became weekends only when we moved about 90 miles away to complete our college degrees. Great years we'll never forget.

    There is a special place in my heart for folks who choose to become foster parents and provide a safe and caring environment for children who are not responsible for their plights. And more so for those who remember a child in placement status is there for a reason, but also only for a season, and, when possible, the child or children is going to return to his or her family.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Interested in Foster Parenting?

    I am in complete awe of the good foster parents who are able to do this.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Interested in Foster Parenting?

    Kudo's for sure! My husband and I have started the process of being "vetted" for fostering Native American kids in and around the metro. We passed the "home" visit, next is the background apprasial and/or training.

  6. Default Re: Interested in Foster Parenting?

    I had several good friends in wonderful foster care homes when I was little and they helped them so much just doing what they did for them. I have a lost of respect for those who open up their home to children that need it...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Interested in Foster Parenting?

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Thanks for posting. A lot of people in this country are convinced that the biggest problem children with poor/dysfunctional/abusive parents face are that no one will adopt them. I haven't found that to be the case, at all. With social service safety nets, broken families, substance abuse and widespread, cultural acceptance of single parenthood and abortion on demand, what we NEED, are foster parents to step in and provide stability to the children adversely affected by all that. Sadly, very few children are legally eligible to be adopted but countless numbers are trapped in the foster care system and need homes - even temporary homes.
    YES!! I don't know if I could have articulated that better myself, if I tried!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Interested in Foster Parenting?

    I've neglected this thread, I'm so sorry!! I tend to lurk on the site without ever signing in, most of the time...

    We just received confirmation from DHS that although our children will be coming from Garvin & McClain Counties, the families don't necessarily have to live in either county. I'm so happy that we can now accept applicants in the OKC Area!

    We've received interest from five potential families, but we still need sufficient homes for about 88 children. Honestly, I'd love to open my own home, but my tiny apartment wouldn't meet the home certification requirements (dedicated extra bedroom, etc.).

    Anybody interested is more than welcome to call my office at (405) 242-2242, or shoot me an e-mail at mrwesley@access2counseling.com! More info also available on our Facebook page (facebook.com/accesstocounseling) and on the OKDHS Bridge Resource Website (okbridgefamilies.com).

    Also, we're looking for local business partners that wouldn't mind letting us distribute our information to them. I'm in the process of preparing some informational flyers/business cards/door posters/etc. to hand out (hopefully sooner than later... Adobe InDesign is tricky!)
    Last edited by wdj; 04-11-2013 at 01:21 PM. Reason: Left out some information

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