With the new Devon Tower looking so spectacular, is it possible for other buildings to make some improvements to make our skyline look more modern? I hate to say this but I HATE looking at the Chase Tower with the dark ugly windows and its old and outdated look. Could any of these buildings also try some more lighting to frame the building at night perhaps? It is almost embarassing to see how great the Devon looks and how awful the others look in comparison. Until new buidlings are built to compliment the Devon Tower, some of these owners or the city needs to work something out with them to give them a discount on electricity to bring some life to these buildings. How can this get done and who can do it? I'd love to see a Hard Rock casino and high rise (20 plus story hotel) all lit up and glistening the skyline! The one in Tulsa is awesome and it would bring so much more traffic downtown which I am sure would also support other businesses in downtown. Thoughts?