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Thread: I heard Twid's Sporting Goods is liquidating

  1. Default I heard Twid's Sporting Goods is liquidating

    Bank locked the door on both locations, MWC and Edmond. Secondhand Sports by Rose State is closing as well.

    That leaves Gregory's as the lone SG store in Mid-Del until Dick's moves in.

  2. Default Re: I heard Twid's Sporting Goods is liquidating

    Anyone been by Secondhand Sports lately? Do they still have any inventory and are their prices any good? I shopped there twice over the years and found their prices to be ridiculously high for used gear you can find online a lot cheaper (and sometimes even new).

  3. #3

    Default Re: I heard Twid's Sporting Goods is liquidating

    Once the Twidwell's sold out it was all but over.

  4. #4

    Default Re: I heard Twid's Sporting Goods is liquidating

    Went to Second Hand last week. They just said they are retiring. Not much left some MMA stuff, but everything was still overpriced and they didnt seem to really want to get rid of much. I offered good prices for large quantities of items and she just said she would wait and see, wanted my number, but i didnt want to deal with it later. Best of luck getting rid of it.

    As for Twids, i dont think they are closed yet. They are going out, but the bank didnt lock the doors or anything. If you call it says they are closing yes, but I know they are still finishing up orders they had out. I am still finishing some stuff with them, didnt know the new store was going out also. I was told by them it was just the one here and they were going to focus on the other store, but it wouldnt surprise me that they are both closing.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: I heard Twid's Sporting Goods is liquidating

    What about the Hibbet's in Town Center (where Dick's is also going), is it still there?

  6. Default Re: I heard Twid's Sporting Goods is liquidating

    I spoke to someone that used to work in school sales at Twids before the Tidwell sold. The new owners apparently started making poor decisions from day 1 and were running into the ground from then on. So no surprises there. I think most schools/teams have moved on to other vendors in the area anyway.

    Hibbet is still there, but i bet it closes not long after Dicks opens. When i've been in Hibbet, they just don't have enough selection. It's one item for something and that's it.

  7. Default Re: I heard Twid's Sporting Goods is liquidating

    Was in Edmond yesterday and the location there is closed and empty, the MWC location was in it's final days the other day so I'd say both are now gone. I know I shopped with them when I was in jr high, that was 1976 or so.

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