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Thread: Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

  1. #1

    Default Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

    I have read here in the past of speculation that The Greens is on the site of an old landfill. Given the sprawl into once pastoral areas, the question came to mind of whether there are other such sites. Does anyone know, or know of such a source that identifies former landfills or dumps?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

    Cool! I'm going to follow this thread closely!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

    If you are talking about the Greens Country Club I grew up there and in Quail Creek in the 60's and 70's and we never saw any evidence of a covered over landfill.

  4. Default Re: Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

    I believe that the Dell Building on the oklahoma River was an old landfill. Way before my time. I worked with them when they chose the site. I was told that was why they spent so much time compacting it before any construction could begin.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

    Hafer Park in Edmond.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

    The field to the north of Francis Tuttle on 150th & North Portland is the old testing site for Kerr McGee.
    Supposedly the site is still contaminated from KerrMcGee using it as a research testing site back in the day.
    The EPA is still engaged in lawsuits against the former KerrMcGee board of directors over this site.

    One of the reasons Tronox is keeping some of their research employees here in OKC.
    There is no way they can sell it

  7. Default Re: Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by OklahomaNick View Post
    The field to the north of Francis Tuttle on 150th & North Portland is the old testing site for Kerr McGee.
    Supposedly the site is still contaminated from KerrMcGee using it as a research testing site back in the day.
    The EPA is still engaged in lawsuits against the former KerrMcGee board of directors over this site.

    One of the reasons Tronox is keeping some of their research employees here in OKC.
    There is no way they can sell it
    I worked there from 1988 to 2000. The last 7 years of that I was the building and grounds manager. I can, without a doubt, say that the EPA has no interest in the site. In the 12 years I was there the EPA never set foot on the property. There was an alleged waste pit we saw in old aerial photos that I was responsible for digging up and testing. We found nothing. The Oklahoma DEQ got involved but the EPA never even got involved with that.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

    I've heard that in Tulsa east of eastland mall (or what used to be eastland mall- now eastgate metroplex) a couple of square miles are totally devoid of any buildings or houses because there used to be a waste site/dumpout there. Growing up there was nothing further on past there but now days its surrounded on all sides with houses but that section is still empty.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Old landfill sites since developed or otherwise in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by GaryOKC6 View Post
    I believe that the Dell Building on the oklahoma River was an old landfill. Way before my time. I worked with them when they chose the site. I was told that was why they spent so much time compacting it before any construction could begin.
    Yes it was and they spent a lot of effort trying to compact it. However, I believe the building has some significant issues with settling that has occurred since.

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