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Thread: Shock Collars

  1. Default Shock Collars

    I posted this before, but now that we have the pets forum, I will again.

    What do you think of shock collars? Personally, I think they are cruel. There are better ways to control your dog. Like... TEACHING!

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Shock Collars

    Like you, I also think shock collars are cruel. There are better ways to teach your dog, like with positive reinforcement.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Shock Collars

    My parents use shock collars on their dogs. Otherwise, the dogs would dig out of the back yard where they're kept. When those dogs get out, they just run in whatever direction they're facing.

    So we figure, they're better off getting a little shock than being hit by a car or taken to the pound.

  4. #4
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Shock Collars

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Like you, I also think shock collars are cruel. There are better ways to teach your dog, like with positive reinforcement.
    I agree. If the owners feel they have to put one on a dog, maybe they should put one on themselves and see how it feels. It's inhumane.....there are better ways to teach a dog.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Shock Collars

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    I agree. If the owners feel they have to put one on a dog, maybe they should put one on themselves and see how it feels. It's inhumane.....there are better ways to teach a dog.
    Really? How would you advise someone to keep dogs from digging out of a 2 acre back yard when they are not home?

    -- how about if your neighbor insists on having a rotted wooden fence that the dogs can easily break off and break out?

    How would you keep the dogs in the yard -- keep in mind that builing a new fence is a committment of a couple thousand dollars, and the current fence does not belong to you.

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