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Thread: Retro Metro party with John Ferguson (Count Gregore!)

  1. Default Retro Metro party with John Ferguson (Count Gregore!)

    We had a blast last night. Retro Metro OKC is getting better and better. And yes, Doug survived the night...

  2. Default Re: Retro Metro party with John Ferguson (Count Gregore!)

    Will uploaded a great set of photos: http://s83.photobucket.com/albums/j2...cember%202011/

  3. #3

    Default Re: Retro Metro party with John Ferguson (Count Gregore!)

    Nice pics!
    Sleepwalkers matinee and Nightmare were on my things to do watch as a kiddo.
    Good to see hes doing well.

  4. Default Re: Retro Metro party with John Ferguson (Count Gregore!)

    Was just about to create this thread... here's the video. My iPhone recorded until it ran out of memory.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Retro Metro party with John Ferguson (Count Gregore!)

    I really wanted to be there, but I've been stuck in a hole in the library or in my apartment studying. Thanks for posting the video UnFrSakn. It looks like everyone had a great time. I'm really going to try to make the next meeting. Honest.

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