Not a lot of coverage in the US media bout it, but Branson's dream of space flight keeps getting closer. The $209M terminal was finished and officially opened yesterday. They are planning on the first commercial spaceflights to start at the end of next year.
Report mentioned over 450 tickets sold so far at $200K a pop on Virgin Galactic. So based on tickets sold, that fills at least 75 flights.
So far I believe they had one mother ship done (VMS Eve) that will carry the passenger vehicle up to around 50,000 feet. As far as the passenger vehicles go I think VSS Enterprise is the only one that is actually finished and being used for tests. VSS Voyager hasn't made any flights yet from what I've read. The second mother ship will be named VMS Spirit of Steve Fossett.
Hopefully this will continue to push us on the path to a full commercial space transportation system - at least before most of us are pushing up daisies. LOL
Terminal & Hangar:
VMS Eve carrying VSS Enterprise