It could happen! But will it? They say gas will be at $2.35 per gallon by Memorial Day weekend!
"Gas to reach $4 per gallon?
By Alex Cameron
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, gas prices are again at record levels in our state at $2.08 a gallon.
But if you believe one report out there, we should enjoy this while we can, because it's only going to get worse; a lot worse.
Analysts with Goldman Sachs say the oil markets have entered what they call a 'super-spike' period where oil prices could surge as high as $105 a barrel, a price that could mean having to pay more than $4 a gallon at the pump.
With Oklahomans still wincing at paying $2 per gallon, the notion of having to shell out twice that doesn't sit well.
But is it crazy?
Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association President Mickey Thompson says that while the Goldman Sachs report is a bit alarmist, he doesn't believe, as others do, that it's irresponsible.
So far, there's no evidence gas consumption has dropped or that Americans are trading in their gas-guzzling SUV's for more fuel-efficient vehicles, when Thompson says that's exactly what we probably ought to be doing.
So why are we in this position? Simple supply and demand is a big part of it, experts say. Supply can't keep up with demand, especially the demand in China, where a billion people are gradually switching from riding bikes to driving cars.
There is, of course, an upside to this. Oklahoma oil and gas producers are doing very well right now, which benefits the state. "