Given that there was a bit of rivalry between Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie ... (Bewitched star Elizabeth Montgomery (Samantha Stevens) considered Jeannie to be a rip off. I found it interesting that in at least one of the early B&W Jeannie episodes, they used the set of Bewitched as Dr. Bellows home (with some set modifications). For example the staircase was enclosed behind a wall. In another scene (not sure if it was the same episode), the kitchen set of one was used in the other series (not sure if it was Jeannie's kitchen used in Bewitched or the other way around). Believe I also saw the exterior used. Both shows were produced by Screen Gems so I am sure that explains it.
In an episode of Home Improvement, it looks like they used the Bewitched exterior as a house that Tool Time was doing location shooting. Tim accidentally blows up the house.