I posted in the Ford Center/NCAA Tournament thread about how that particular thread showed beautifully why we need a strong-mayor form of municipal government in Oklahoma City. It was the perfect time to interject that in the discussion, but to keep any comments from hijacking that thread, I am starting another.
First, it might be a good idea to read my post in the Ford Center/NCAA thread:
As many of you know, the city of Dallas is in the middle of this political question as I type. The ballot initiative to create a strong-mayor form of government in Dallas is set for May 7th. It has created some strange bedfellows in Dallas politics both for and against. A certain group of Dallas business wants the status quo. Another group of business sides with Mayor Miller and wants the strong-mayor. The black community is opposed, but then.....it's all so convoluted as to who is supporting or opposing the initiative and why.
I was forwarded two articles from D Magazine which I think are just excellent. One tells the story of the initiative - who's lining up for and against, etc. The other is a "Publisher Speaks" column which - I think - lays it down beautifully as to why Dallas must have a strong-mayor form of government to move forward.
In my opinion, these two pieces could be written, in many ways, about Oklahoma City! The argument for the strong-mayor is the same one I make here. He even uses many of the same words and analogies I have used here since coming to this forum to argue for the strong-mayor in OKC.
I encourage everyone here who cares about our future - and the need to have a "strong mayor" who can act decisively in the best interests of our city - to read these two pieces from Dallas. It is uncanny how the arguments could be made about this city.
The first is the general article which you should probably read first:
The second is the "Publisher Speaks" column and it is a beauty:
It's worth the time to read these articles and discuss. As I have said before here in this forum - and in the last post in the NCAA thread - we cannot allow our progress to stagnate. We cannot allow ourselves to think in terms of one big program a decade (MAPS) to move forward. We need a strong-mayor form of government that can deal with the day-to-day details of running a major city. The best thought on our current council-manager form of government is that when everybody is in charge - nobody is in charge. Do we want the next twenty years to be years of waiting for the "other guy" to decide this or that? Everything taking slower than molasses from conception to action? I think not. We need a mayor's office that can act with authority and decisiveness about any number of issues facing our city - all before it goes to 14 boards, 12 committees, 3 citizen groups, 37 council meetings, and everybody then trying to figure out where to go from there. We need a place the buck actually stops!