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Well to be fair, MWC isn't building anything. MWC isn't in the business of being a landlord. They lease out the LAND for commercial development.
IE - Town Center. The hospital authority (not really the city, but under the table it is) owns the land and has Sooner Investments handle the deal of developing, maintaining, etc the facilities. It's totally commercial development so if someone wants to build a strip mall, the city doesn't have anything to do with it. They can deny a building permit, but why? Whether the building is empty or not, the city still collects property/corporate tax from the leasing company.
And as for "cleaning up", that's totally up to the owner/leasing company. If they have tenants, you probably aren't going to see anything happen. The city can't force them to paint a building or put on a new facade or anything. As long as they meet code, they are fine. That's how the laws work...and that's how you want them to work. You don't want the city to play king and be able to come in and do whatever they want. It's a pro-con, but i think the pros faaaaaar outweigh cons on that front. It's market driven like everything else in a capitalist economy. When 29th became a reality, you saw just about every strip center within a mile in MWC revamping or even refacading to make themselves more attractive to tenants. They even built a couple more. So if the market requires it, it's done. If it's not happening somewhere, then that means that the market didn't make it happen...ie the tenants still came in and paid what they were asked.
I'm still not sure where this place is. Can someone give me an intersection?