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Thread: Video camera Rentals???

  1. Default Video camera Rentals???

    I am looking to rent a really good professional HD camera I was wondering if there are any places in OKC to rents them. I have a Sony mini DVDR handycam but I'm looking for something that is sharper, does 1080i and has a Wide Field of view.

    I'm submitting a world record for weighted pull-ups I have to record two angles.

    This is how my camera looks

  2. #2

    Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    There are places that rent them, but the names escape me. Or you could spend $200 and buy two HD flips, that do a great job recording HD video.

  3. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    well the handy cam I have will work for the close up, the camera that fillms the entire range of motion I would like in high def

  4. #4

    Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    How many pup ups you doing?

  5. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    How many pup ups you doing?
    1 with 400 lbs total weight.
    Around 200 lbs bodyweight ill add 200 lbs additional weight

  6. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    For what a rental on a commercial camera will cost you can buy yourself a good quality camera on Craigslist or even at a store.

    Get a Canon HV20, HV30 or HV40. They can be found on Ebay for as little as $350. Very good quality and they even shoot in 24p and 30p and 1920 x 1080. New the HV40 on B&H is only just over $600.

    This is my camera of choice in the field. I have 2 HV20's and 4 HV40's. Never failed me.

  7. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    I found nice one but its 500
    Sony HDR-CX160 HD Flash Memory Camcorder

    Records 1080p 60 fps

  8. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    Quote Originally Posted by ExtremistPullup View Post
    I found nice one but its 500
    Sony HDR-CX160 HD Flash Memory Camcorder

    Records 1080p 60 fps
    I'm sure it will work for your purpose, but that's a pretty low end consumer camera. Personally, I stay away from hard drive cameras for anything but casual trips, etc. There are also numerous compatibility issues between hard drive cameras and computers. HD cameras have a hard enough time in low light, you add the hard drive only and they tend to be terrible in low light (interiors, dusk, etc.).

    For less than $500 you can get a good used Canon HV20 - HV40.

    Or, you can get that same quality hard drive camera used on Craigslist or a pawn shop and spend the extra money on buying or renting good lighting (which can make all the difference in the world). All you need is some umbrella lights so you have diffused light coming from a couple of different angles to eliminate shadows.

  9. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    I currenly have a Sony Handycam DCR DVD405 Camcorder - 3.3 MP I got it for christmas in 2006, i think it was 400.

    It works ok its just grainy, I think I want something that records 60 fps since all really recording are pull-ups. I don't want to over kill it but I want to get something at a reasonalble price.

    200-250 is what I'm looking to spend


  10. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    With most cameras, the graininess is a result of too low of light.

  11. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    With most cameras, the graininess is a result of too low of light.
    Brian, Just curious, what do you use for post-production? I remember the days when I'd have to go to a post-production facility and put stuff together for corporate videos and such. Do you do it all yourself now on the computer?

  12. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    Brian, Just curious, what do you use for post-production? I remember the days when I'd have to go to a post-production facility and put stuff together for corporate videos and such. Do you do it all yourself now on the computer?
    Yeah, it is pretty easy to DIY these days. If you're on a Mac then iMovie 6HD is excellent for quick and easy. 99% of my YouTube videos are all edited in iMovie 6HD. The versions after that were dumbed down to the point of being useless. The best part is the software is free! If you're on a PC then Vegas is pretty popular in a low cost editor.

    I also use Final Cut Pro (getting my certification right now) and I also have AVID. But those are overkill for most of my needs. I want the certification so I can get more freelance jobs.

    An iMac is really nice for basic editing stuff, with a 2nd monitor. Or even a 17" MacBook Pro laptop if you wanna go portable.

    I ordered a totally decked out Mac Pro desktop unit that should be here soon. That will be my main editing machine (12 cores, 64GB RAM, 8TB of HD, and 3 27" displays).

  13. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    Maybe I should just paint that half of the garage white Semi Gloss. instead of Dormer Brown.

  14. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    Here's a weightlifting video I made for a online contest using my new 8 GB FLIP video camera. 720P 60 fps

  15. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    Quote Originally Posted by ExtremistPullup View Post
    Here's a weightlifting video I made for a online contest using my new 8 GB FLIP video camera. 720P 60 fps
    Hope you stocked up on those Flip's. I think one of the more outrageous actions by a big tech company in a long time is Cisco buying Flip from Pure Technologies and then just shutting it down. It was successful, making money, had a huge market share in its space and still, Cisco shuts it down. Makes no sense whatsoever. Best thing I've read about this is David Pogue's piece over at the NYT yesterday:
    The Tragic Death Of The Flip

  16. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    Ya I read that maybe Ill get another. I got mine as a open item at best buy for 129

  17. Default Re: Video camera Rentals???

    I've owned a Flip in the past. Wasn't impressed at all and sold it on CraigsList. I do have a Kodak version that is waterproof and shock proof from Sam's for $119 and we love it for kayaking, skiing, etc. The Flip needed major upgrades to remain competitive.

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