Re: State Board of Education
Okay, I'm a teacher and I don't even think that the State Super needs to have been a teacher or even an administrator. Seriously, what's wrong with running a school in a more business-like manner? Bad teachers would get the boot, just like you would in any other profession. We have major budgets to run, not unlike a business. I manage three budgets (and have managed more in the past) at my current teaching job. Part of what I do is business.
There is no person out there that will meet all the requirements that people seem to think a State Super needs. Seriously--someone who has worked through teaching, admin, in districts of all sizes? If you found someone like that, then people would complain and say that the candidate merely worked through the system, job-hopping, to make their way to the top! It's a no-win for anyone.
Baressi has often been at Harding Charter Prep, visiting classes, meeting students, seeing what's going on. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, or really even an educator, to tell when education is happening properly. It's kind of obvious, really. Visit a school sometime and you can tell who's doing things right. And I know that HCP openly offers tours to people who want to see what goes on there.
I cannot impress upon anyone how awesome Harding Charter Prep is, and Baressi had a big hand in the focus of the school. It is run more smoothly than the public school where I worked previously, that's for sure.
Still corrupting young minds