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It's an epidemic that's hitting far and beyond the confines of Oklahoma City. I see it everywhere, and I think one probable reason is the way many students are taught these days.
The whole spellcheck debacle notwithstanding, in high school, there is less and less emphasis on students being taught proper grammar and spelling. I have a friend who got out of teaching high school English for this very reason. Apparently, pedagogical trends are leaning towards teaching "idea clouds" and that "ideas matter more than substance." As such, when grading papers, my friend was required to overlook the numerous spelling and grammar errors, as well as use of text speak, on the papers and essays students returned to her. She was not even allowed to circle things for students to go and look up at a later date. I guess pointing out errors is not good for one's esteem.
Another thing to consider is that youth today, moreso than any other generation, use electronic devices as their primary means of communication. They tweet, text, IM and ping with a vengeance, and tend to abbreviate more in these truncated communication forms, leaving out subjects, mixing up you're and your (or just using ur), and clinging to a slew of other abbreviated terms and acronyms that don't make sense to those of us who grew up still writing things down on paper.
Universities are suffering because of it, and businesses, who rely on universities to set the students straight, are also suffering because of these poor habits, which are engrained at a very early age. It all goes back to the methodologies used in today's classrooms. I bet you can't find too many young people today who could diagram a sentence, assuming they know what that means.