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Thread: Ou - mizzou

  1. #1

    Default Ou - mizzou

    It seems to be trendy for most of the national pundits to pick Missouri over OU this weekend. That's not impossible but I hope they keep it up. It means we won't lack for motivation after coming out as number one in the BCS this week.

  2. Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    OU shouldn't have a problem beating them. :-)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    OU by 100

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    It is trendy because there is a trend. Three weeks in a row the number 1 team has gone on the road and has lost the game. Also OU is only favored by 2 points so it's not like people that are picking mizzOU are picking a long shot.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    i was under the impression that missouri's quarterback isn't 100%, suffering from a hip injury. depending on how much it affects his gameplay, i'd have to say that helps ou out. -M

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    It is trendy because there is a trend. Three weeks in a row the number 1 team has gone on the road and has lost the game. Also OU is only favored by 2 points so it's not like people that are picking mizzOU are picking a long shot.
    Not to be picky, but that's only happened two weeks in a row with Alabama and Ohio State.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    You're right, my mistake.

    Another stat is OU has won 19 of the last 20 games vs mizzOU. The only loss by John Blake in 1998, Bob Stoops has never lost to the Tigers.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Mizzou isn't that great and OU has hit its stride. I think OU beats 'Zou like a drum, 38-17.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Hope you guys soften them up some before they play my Huskers the following week I think the Tigers will give OK a tough game and keep it close up into the 4th qtr.

  10. Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    A heartbreaking loss.

    I hope the #1 knockdown trend continues to help us get back up quickly.

  11. Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Stoops should have used the #1 to get fire into the Sooners. We had #1, so it was ours to lose. Guess what?

    Stoops took the 'i dont care about being #1' attitude and it showed in his players, his play calling, and the outcome of this game. Missouri was fired up, well prepared, and ready for this game. The same could not be said for the Sooners, who looked like they didn't care. The defense was HORRIBLE, looked like a high school team (a bad one at that). On the other hand, Missouri looked firing on all cylinders - even with lower calibre players; Missou had the fire and the desire to win and they did what they had to do to win the game. OU bent over and gave the game to them.

    I just can't help but remember all of the interviews I saw of Stoops in the media where he was saying "being #1 means nothing to us." Even some of the players were saying it too. ... Way to coach what is arguably the best team in the nation, Stoops. There is NO WAY Missouri should have even scored on Oklahoma (aside from a few field goals) much less win the game outright. Missouri beat OU in every category tonight, and IMO there is no one to blame but the coaches who didn't have OU prepared to defend being #1.

    Like Stoops said, "I don't care about being #1" and this game proved it. Maybe they'll give #1 to Missouri now, they look like they have the intensity (at least) to match up against Auburn, Oregon, Boise, or TCU at this point. It's funny that OU did NOT look like it belonged in that same club.

    Oh well, there is next year (as far as NC goes), but I am really getting sick and tired of Stoops' not being ready for the big games. ..... At least Les Miles (or a number of other coaches) would have used being #1 as a motivator and would have called plays to give the team a fighting chance. To HELL with this attitude [well, at least Stoops gets us there]. We need a coach who can motivate in any way possible, especially if he is GIFTED with the #1 BCS ranking.

    Sorry guys for the rant, I guess I am a Bummer Sooner after watching us lose a game we shouldn't AGAIN. ..........................
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Don't be surprised if we see Missouri again later this year in Dallas with a different outcome. At least we didn't lose at home to Iowa State like another one of our favorite teams. LOL

  13. Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    He didn't even challenge some of the questionable calls by the Refs. I'm very disappointed in him.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    well shoot. very disappointing indeed...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Landry was just pitiful.. He does the opposite of Sam when put under pressure.. He sucks.. lol

  16. Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    Landry was just pitiful.. He does the opposite of Sam when put under pressure.. He sucks.. lol
    I don't think he had dealt with the severity of the opponents breaking thru defense. This is his first year, give him a break. The defense was horrible.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    After that terrible performance I will not watch them again

    Until this Saturday

  18. #18

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    I had a bad feeling before the game and it came to fruition, so much so that my wife was surprised that I did not have my normal "excitable moments" last night.

    The offensive play calling to me is just pathetic, it seems about 80% of passing game are screens and swing passes which don't work when the defense is camped on that all night. When you have that poor of offensive production you can't keep your defense off the field. That may work when you have the level of talent they had around Bradford, consider that the entire offensive line has started in the NFL, you had first and high round draft picks in the receiving corps. Seems to me that Kevin Wilson is no better than Greg Davis (UT Offensive Coordinator), his offense worked well with Vince Young and Colt McCoy/Jordan Shipley but take away that talent and the offense is poor. I don't expect Landry Jones to be Bradford, especially considering he is only a sophomore with just over one season of starts. I really think Bradford is once of those once in a generation type quarterbacks. Jones has flashes of brilliance but when the defense knows what you are going to do it makes it difficult to execute.

    At least it is better than the position Texas is in, three losses and two bad losses at home and to a team that was whacked 52-0 by your biggest rival a week ago. I can tell you there is much consternation down here especially after hearing all summer about how this was the best defense they have had under Muschamp. It got so bad, so fast that I had many offers of tickets for the game last week with people even knowing that I am a Sooner alum on the off chance that I might know someone else who wanted them. The poor attendance at DKR yesterday was evidence of that. Another thing that is ironic, Baylor is bowl eligible before Texas.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    I had a bad feeling before the game and it came to fruition, so much so that my wife was surprised that I did not have my normal "excitable moments" last night.

    The offensive play calling to me is just pathetic, it seems about 80% of passing game are screens and swing passes which don't work when the defense is camped on that all night. When you have that poor of offensive production you can't keep your defense off the field. That may work when you have the level of talent they had around Bradford, consider that the entire offensive line has started in the NFL, you had first and high round draft picks in the receiving corps. Seems to me that Kevin Wilson is no better than Greg Davis (UT Offensive Coordinator), his offense worked well with Vince Young and Colt McCoy/Jordan Shipley but take away that talent and the offense is poor. I don't expect Landry Jones to be Bradford, especially considering he is only a sophomore with just over one season of starts. I really think Bradford is once of those once in a generation type quarterbacks. Jones has flashes of brilliance but when the defense knows what you are going to do it makes it difficult to execute.

    At least it is better than the position Texas is in, three losses and two bad losses at home and to a team that was whacked 52-0 by your biggest rival a week ago. I can tell you there is much consternation down here especially after hearing all summer about how this was the best defense they have had under Muschamp. It got so bad, so fast that I had many offers of tickets for the game last week with people even knowing that I am a Sooner alum on the off chance that I might know someone else who wanted them. The poor attendance at DKR yesterday was evidence of that. Another thing that is ironic, Baylor is bowl eligible before Texas.
    The funny thing is, by the time the game was about to come on and everyone was predicting we would wax them I knew we were screwed. When was the last time, even in victory, OU was dominant on the road? The thing I don't understand is why the playcalling by KW has to be so vanilla? No creativity at all. Its the same schemes I've been watching for the past 4 seasons. You would think they would mix it up a little? Nonetheless, this team is still young, the whole #1 ranking was really putting the cart before the horse. This team will be great in the future but right now they are still learning as shown by the idiotic mistakes in the game last night. We are still on a good projectory for a conference championship and a possible BCS berth.

    Your description of Austin is pretty similar to my dad's description of what's going on in DFW. Lots of angry, drunk, profanity-laced callers on the Ticket yesterday (DFW's version of The Animal) basically calling for Mack and Davis's head. Also, I didn't see the game yesterday, but I've heard that the attendance at DKR was pitifull.

    Is it bad that I'm really enjoying the meltdown in Longhorn Land?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Your description of Austin is pretty similar to my dad's description of what's going on in DFW. Lots of angry, drunk, profanity-laced callers on the Ticket yesterday (DFW's version of The Animal) basically calling for Mack and Davis's head.
    No different than what is happening on the Animal last night and the week to come...or the Sports Radio in Denver about today's Broncos debacle. Many are scared of Baylor this week, most never thought that would ever happen. Baylor is ranked, Texas isn't and they are higher in the Big 12 South standings.

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Also, I didn't see the game yesterday, but I've heard that the attendance at DKR was pitifull.
    There are a few comments in the paper today about how poor the crowd was and the "announced attendance" had to have been the sold tickets and not the numbers through the turnstiles because the announced number (100,142) included the inflated standing room only tickets. Some friends think it was more around 70-80,000 actual attendance. It looked fairly spacious on TV, kind of like the OU student section in the second half at home games. Much of the crowd at DKR looked like that in the second half, lots of empty seats.

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Is it bad that I'm really enjoying the meltdown in Longhorn Land?
    Not at all....they reveled in our bad season last year.

  21. Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Don't be surprised if we see Missouri again later this year in Dallas with a different outcome. At least we didn't lose at home to Iowa State like another one of our favorite teams. LOL
    Actually, I don't know about that. I am starting to think it will be Baylor and Iowa State in the Big 12 championship. Nobody else seems to want it.

    I was really enjoying the utter domination over Mizzou, too.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Actually, I don't know about that. I am starting to think it will be Baylor and Iowa State in the Big 12 championship. Nobody else seems to want it.

    I was really enjoying the utter domination over Mizzou, too.
    You don't have to quit enjoying the domination, Spartan. Remember, Iowa State beat us once, a number of years ago. That hasn't changed the domination. Don't consider this a change in the status quo.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    Among other gripes, the coaches seem to have little confidence (for good reason) in the field goal unit. A "good" team has a solid fg unit that can be counted on to make a 40+ yard field goal. And its been this way for the OU team since hartley left. Just look at that botched FG fake in the texas game. It bugs me cuz it seems like most of the better teams have a dependable FG unit. Heck, a FG is worth half a touchdown. But that is out of the playbook because the coaches have little confidence. the nebraska game last year is another example.

    thats my beef for now!

  24. Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    The regulars and I was on the LiveWire during the game. One person and I was the commentators to relay the scores and happenings for those stuck at work or without TV to keep track on their phone. Most of us lost hope (Bye Bye #1) while a few still held on to that slim hope for a miracle win. It did not matter if we had pulled a miracle win or not, either way, Sooners would have still lost the #1 due to the amount of penalties, turnovers, and other factors.

    The coaches were conservative with Murray, if I recall correctly, he played/ran much less. Finch and Boyles played a bit more, I think. I don't think that should have happened, because I believe that the team should give everything they have got each game. If Murray gets hurt again, oh well, it happens. But choosing to preserve a player to ensure success in future games is very risky and it showed last week costing them the game against Missouri.

    Our FG kicker has got to go. He is one of the worst in history for OU.

    There was one touchdown potential they destroyed when they were so close to the end zone, they decided to go for a pass. At that time, Finch was gaining momentum, so he should've ran for it. Sooners were obviously having a problem completing passes. :-/ Lots of poor decisions.

    The refs are also to blame as I feel they are way too biased for the Missouri team. It felt like they were watching the Sooners more closely over the Tigers for every opportunity to add on penalties. One clear touchdown with a very close ball to ground contact should have given the Sooners a touchdown. Refs elected not to go thru the extensive video reviews.

    It felt like a game against ripper Oregon Ducks all over again.

    Spartan, the Baylor stands no chance this year. OU will obviously win out the Big 12 south with a great chance to play against Missouri again for the Big 12 champ.

    Current week BCS shows:

    1 Auburn 8-0
    2 Oregon 7-0
    3 Boise State 6-0
    4 TCU 8-0
    5 Michigan State 8-0
    6 Missouri 7-0
    7 Alabama 7-1
    8 Utah 7-0
    9 Oklahoma 6-1

    OU has a very slim chance to regain high position. The last game is a wake up call for the Sooners. Now they should be raged with motivation and determination to shoot back up. Auburn should lose a few games. They are lucky to hold on for now. Hopefully with the #1 karma, they will drop this week. Karma should bite the Ducks back very soon. OU should beat Missouri in the Big 12 champ game.

    Even if all the teams win this week, OU can still jump over ranks if they play with way less penalties and have the more amazing game than others. Anything can happen. These days, top placers seem to drop like flies. OU still got 5 more games, maybe 6.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Ou - mizzou

    OU will obviously win out the Big 12 south
    OBVIOUSLY!!....REALLY??...LOL...i guess you never heard of OSU!..the team with the pumpkin uniforms. OSU will beat OU this year.

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