When I was a kid, I would watch a lot of kids shows. "Ho-Ho," "Forman Scotty," "Miss Fran from Storyland, " and others. It was the 60's and very moral, locally produced kids shows were in fashion.
Every week, if not more often, there was a man who showcased animals. Many of them snakes. I grew up calling him "the snake man," and looked forward to seeing what he had next. He always invited the kids to the zoo to learn about these animals. I have no doubt he sparked a lifelong love and passion for animals in many of us.
This man was an institution. He was a man who appeared to be a very gentle soul. A man who loved kids and devoted a large part of his life eduating kids about animals. Those creatures that are God's gift to us all.
Yesterday, we lost this friend. We lost an icon. One of the last of the clean, wholesome kids show guests that helped raise a generation. A generation of people, who today, have a devotion to the animal kingdom, and without his teachings would not have as vast of knowledge of the kingdom.
He is now guding those friends who have passed, and is reunited with the friends he raised and used to teach.
May he rest in peace.
Bob Jenni 1928-2005