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People in my neighborhood "recycle" by leaving their uncovered recycle box outside beginning Thursday morning/afternoon (pickup is Friday afternoon) which results in all their "recyle" stuff decorated my yard and the street. Depending on my mood, I either throw it all into my trash can (which results in it not being recycled) or ignore it until the wind eventually scatters it all over the neighborhood. I've yet to see ANYONE other than myself pick up all the "recycle" stuff that litters the neighborhood. One week, I picked up enough to fill my trashcan halfways--and that was just the stuff in MY yard, not in the street or anyone else's yard. For this reason, I am AGAINST curbside recyling. The recycling bins provided are an open challenge to Oklahoma wind to see how far everything can be scattered because they do not have lids and people being people, well, they are too lazy to clean up after themselves.